Kyle Bellamy back at the U

Trenbolone . . . Wooo talk about the mood swings. Watch your homeboy go from nothing conversation with his gf. I love you tooBitchIwillmurderyouandyourdog to ImsorrysweetheartIloveyousomuch to Iwillkillyourmotherandburywiththedog backtoBabyIwouldnever in 30 seconds. Me looking around saying yeah your traps are swoll and your wrists will be too from the handcuffs. Somebody get him off me 🤣

Not the goods for a football player. Jmo
If we are looking for a chemist, open the vault for Dwight Galt.
Trenbolone . . . Wooo talk about the mood swings. Watch your homeboy go from nothing conversation with his gf. I love you tooBitchIwillmurderyouandyourdog to ImsorrysweetheartIloveyousomuch to Iwillkillyourmotherandburywiththedog backtoBabyIwouldnever in 30 seconds. Me looking around saying yeah your traps are swoll and your wrists will be too from the handcuffs. Somebody get him off me 🤣

Not the goods for a football player. Jmo
Yeah many of my friends have been on it. No thanks I’m gonna sip my Creatine
Did he do the U Tough Nutrition table? Because that guy sucked.

Edit: saw the bio pic. Way too skinny. @JHallCanes would be disapoint 😔 😥 😥

However, he was a baseball player . . . That did play in the bigs. And at least according to the bio, IF ITS NOT BULL****, was a hardworker as designated by his white Sox awards in 2010 and '12. Played on a pretty good Canes team in 08. Defense was atrocious that year, and timely hitting was non existent. Maybe he needs to be the guy that says get your *** up and workout. Not the guy that says eat this gogurt
Made it to AA for parts of two seasons, bookended by injuries I believe. Hence the organizational awards.

Also, milb players may be subjected to the poorest nutrition and health habits of any professional athlete in the United States, just saying…
Trenbolone . . . Wooo talk about the mood swings. Watch your homeboy go from nothing conversation with his gf. I love you tooBitchIwillmurderyouandyourdog to ImsorrysweetheartIloveyousomuch to Iwillkillyourmotherandburywiththedog backtoBabyIwouldnever in 30 seconds. Me looking around saying yeah your traps are swoll and your wrists will be too from the handcuffs. Somebody get him off me 🤣

Not the goods for a football player. Jmo
😹 😹 😹 I don’t even know what’s going on here but it’s funny.