Kris Bogle

He’s trolling just last week in an article from 247 Tennessee he said his mom and his whole family want him at Miami...

Andrew Ivins today said he got a strong Miami vibe from talking to him today

Obviously, he could be trolling Ivins too.
I don’t understand why the corches don’t see this kid is messing around.

This type of recruit just loves to waste time. Resources could be better used on more mature prospects.

History is not kind to kids like these...
I don’t understand why the corches don’t see this kid is messing around.

This type of recruit just loves to waste time. Resources could be better used on more mature prospects.

History is not kind to kids like these...
Reuben foster says otherwise, his recruitment was way worse than bogle yet saban still chased him down
I don’t understand why the corches don’t see this kid is messing around.

This type of recruit just loves to waste time. Resources could be better used on more mature prospects.

History is not kind to kids like these...
Nesta was messing around too, albeit he was committed to us. You never know
True but most in the media seem to think Miami even stampini

I’m hoping for the best but I know better than to read too much into anything with this kid. Would be a huge get for us if it does happen.
Y’all really believe this Ole Miss news? 😂😂😂

Don’t follow this kids recruiting too closely, he’s enjoying the process to the fullest.
He is definitely trolling hard, but does he realize he just made it out to seem like his mom is on the take big time? Lol
He’s trolling just last week in an article from 247 Tennessee he said his mom and his whole family want him at Miami...

Andrew Ivins today said he got a strong Miami vibe from talking to him today
ill be shock if he ends up here $$$ will be dropped
I actually knew a guy with a bit part in Goodfellas. He was all thug outside of the movie.

Actually ended up in prison over roughing up a guy over a loan

I found the guy scary just sitting in the same room with me.

Once promised to get me a VHS of the movie. Never did.

But gets all bent out of shape when someone else doesn't do what he promised.

EDIT: Here's the guy I'm talking about. He appeared in a short scene in Goodfellas with a bandage on his head. I think he owned a bar or restaurant where the hoods hung out. I couldn't add this from my phone:

When I knew him--which wasn't well--I lived in NYC and it was about the same time Steve McGuire was playing for us. Steve was from a rough section of Brooklyn called East New York. I guess it used to be Italian because this is where Tony Darrow was from. I remember I was sitting with a guy from Miami whose father had gotten into some tax trouble and ended up with a prison sentence. Tony says, "Yeah, I know what you mean. My father was in the can."

That was an old fashioned slang I hadn't heard in years. Tony was basically a small time entertainer, a singer, who owned some beauty parlors with his wife. I remember he was telling a group of us that it was de Niro that got him the part, but I'm not sure. It might have been Scorsese.

Now, this is not a guy I knew well. I don't think I wanted to. He seemed like a low-key kind of guy but not somebody you would want to cross.

When I was growing up in Miami I used to know the kids of people connected to the mob--two brothers I knew were killed or disappeared probably because of organized crime. One guy, a year younger than I was, was shot by Meyer Lansky's stepson outside the stepson's restaurant. Two weeks later, the stepson was killed.

They guy who arranged the revenge killing was undoubtedly the older brother, whom I hated when I was a little kid. The older brother was nasty, a real bully. At some point over the last 10 or 15 years..he simply disappeared from his condo in Bal Harbour..and has not been seen or heard from since.

I grew up with both brothers on Bay Harbor.

I read somewhere that when Lansky got the news of his stepson being murdered he kind of shrugged it off.....he knew the Mob code of revenge killing, and simply passed it off as expected given that he had killed the other guy two weeks before.

Miami had some rough people when I lived there...I don't know what it's like now.

My father always used to tell me that you don't have to worry about the guys that ran their mouth on how connected they were. On the other hand, those "low key" guys....well...I'll say no more.

Great story.
Always enjoy your anecdotes, knowledge and input.
Keep 'em coming.
If this is your stance, nothing you say now, and nothing you’ve said in the past, is believable.

Arthur Blank is the type of man that contributes to charity, that’s a foregone conclusion. A well respected self made entrepreneur and billionaire is not going to knowingly contribute to an illegal enterprise to which he has no emotional or historical connection. You haven’t provided one single reason or motivation, you’re just pulling it out of your ***.

By the way, just because somebody lives in the Atlanta area doesn’t mean they love the Georgia Bulldogs.

Half if not more of the Atlanta population that’s interested in college football hates the Bulldogs. Especially anybody that didn’t graduate from Georgia, and all the Georgia Tech graduates that live in Atlanta. And there are plenty. You’re just making shlt up now.

You keep going on about this “foundation” as if you have special knowledge or insight, but all I ever read is a bunch of generalities.

I know next to NOTHING about this Foundation. The only two things I learned about the Foundation are: (1.) my boss contributed $100,000 a year to it every year; and (2.) they paid Michel $200,000 in cash to attend Georgia. Michel was from MIami so they thoroughly enjoyed discussing this particular payment.

No Yellow-JAcket will donate to the Foundation of the 'Dawgs, however, a neutral, highly successful Atlanta citizen will donate to both schools. Blank donated to build Georgia Tech's new basketball arena, which is fantastic. You do not think that he contributes to an entity in which 95% of the disbursements are reputable? Approximately 95% of the Foundation's disbursements ARE reputable and completely "above board". We had to deal with Atlanta's elite for four years until we were finally able to return to Los Angeles......
Bogle ready for his internship at CNN right now....young master of Fake News...

He can start out as Acosta's bodyguard at Trunp rallies.

Trump rallies are the safest place to be... Jim Acosta is a weasel and a fraud.