Kris Bogle

Yeah. Bus boy/ bar back.
If that’s true then even more props to him. That job ain’t easy and doesn’t pay very well. I did that my last semester of PA school. Even more reason to want him on the team. At least work ethic won’t be a question.
If that’s true then even more props to him. That job ain’t easy and doesn’t pay very well. I did that my last semester of PA school. Even more reason to want him on the team. At least work ethic won’t be a question.

Where does he work?? I will drop few bags.... I mean tips.
These guys just love to wallow in misery
May just be dealing with the wrong prognosticator. Not all prophecies are the same. Some are better than others. I like mine, the only problem is they're so slow to arrive, sometimes coming only AFTER the event which is the subject of the prophecy occurs. Very frustrating. Sometimes I have to turn off ESPN until well after the game in question. Otherwise, what good is a game prophecy if I already know the score.

I need faster delivery of my maybe someday they'll be available from Amazon Prime.
I want Bogle for all of the obvious reasons but one in particular. We have had 3 straight classes with a DE with first round potential. Joe Jackson, Jon Garvin, Greg Rosseau (yes, I’m drinking the kool-aid), and we need Bogle to be the guy for this class.
I want Bogle for all of the obvious reasons but one in particular. We have had 3 straight classes with a DE with first round potential. Joe Jackson, Jon Garvin, Greg Rosseau (yes, I’m drinking the kool-aid), and we need Bogle to be the guy for this class.

Once Joe Jax goes round 1 and then Garvin, we’ll be “that team” for pass rushers. Hopefully Bogle sees the opportunity here for early PT and development.