Kris Bogle

No. You’re trying to pass off your opinion as fact. It’s what you always do. You never present evidence, just your opinion. And, then you get emotional when asked to do so - and you still don’t provide it. It’s just never logical.

And, you won’t read me say UM isn’t a good school; it’s a great school. So are the others, and some are better.

The irony.
One last thing you guys ever figure out who DSJR was that fool had me thinking we was getting everybody Surtain and Campbell and chatman and chatfield
This may sound good, it may even make people feel good but there were many reasons to choose UGA over Miami that didn’t include “bags”. I want every top kid to choose Miami but it’s delusional to believe Miami is the best at everything.

- Education? Miami’s not even the best of the major football schools in Florida; and how many 1st round draft picks are concerned with getting a PhD anyway?
- Fans? Not even close. Miami fans actually question donating to the program. UGA boosters...well, that’s what’s ****ing folks off, right?
- Alumni network? UGA. Hands down.
- Attendance? They did 90k+ for a spring game. They sell out against the Troy’s and Savannah St’s of the world.
- Facilities? UGA hands down.
- Miami may have put out a “crap ton” more DB’s, but Smart isn’t comparing UGA’s DB production ... he’s selling his Bama work.
- UGA can credibly argue that they’ll be playing for the championship every year (I don’t believe they will but that’s beside the point)
- Your comparison should be Coral Gables v Athens or Miami v Atlanta, imo. Either way, for what he wants - or what they sold him on, Atlanta MAY have more advantages.

Right now, I’d rather think about Bethel than guys who left. Or any of the guys who actually want to play for Miami. Those other guys never did.

Miami is a better school, program (we're rebuilding), brand, and city.
So is bogle still cane or what isn't that what this thread supposed to be about
Until he says that he wants to get away and stops visiting I think he is cane. He was just here last weekend and seems like mom wants him here but he is a talented player at an important position, bags will definitely be thrown his way.
His cousin would disagree with you that Miami wasn’t in it. According to him, we were leading for most of the process. I believe Brooklyn said we looked real good at one point too. Either way, bags won and we lost. **** them both.

Coley just out recruited Rumph.
God I hate to be sucked back in this but oh well. Whether bags were dropped or not, the one key thing with Campbell's recruitment was that he was hardly ever on campus. "Reasons" were given that made us feel "better" but in hindsight we should have ignored those reasons. When a local kid rarely sets foot on campus, he's probably heading elsewhere no matter what posters on a message board say.
One last thing you guys ever figure out who DSJR was that fool had me thinking we was getting everybody Surtain and Campbell and chatman and chatfield

LMAO. Often I wonder how people get sucked into these Madoff and Shapiro etc schemes and then I remember there's SO MANY people like this in the world.
I’m not trying to salt Brooklyn his Cousin or DSJ... I’d really rather put that all behind me; I’m over that whole episode (or, I’m trying to fake it). I wanted to believe them, but the prospect NEVER visited informally - even when he had no excuse.

I genuinely felt that he believed, along with his DB playing teammate, that he was too good to play in Coral Gables. If it wasn’t UGA, it would have been AL. If not Bama, Clemson; if not Clemson, OSU. I wholeheartedly believe he would have gone to Tennessee before he put the Miami hat on his head. (I believe their high school Coach was instrumental in the decision...regardless of his public stance; If Rumph checks the wound in his back it will taste like salt)

Not being cynical, just resigned to the fact that he was never enrolling at Miami

The one post you’ve made this entire thread that I can agree with.
lmao. Bags were clearly involved, bruh. Please don't tell me you're naive and stupid enough to believe that Coley just "outrecruited" Rumph.
A boring Tuesday and Tetra played a nice troll. Well done.

Sure he did.

You ever going to supply them Clemson info?

It already come out that Coley and Tucker stayed in contact with TC way more than Rumph. If you watch the AH documentary it mentions how coley stayed on TC like white on rice. Was bags involved? possibly remember he did shut Clemson out early right after a visit.

After far as the Clemson info....sorry it wasnt Juicy enough but just know they bashed us badly to Darnell.
God I hate to be sucked back in this but oh well. Whether bags were dropped or not, the one key thing with Campbell's recruitment was that he was hardly ever on campus. "Reasons" were given that made us feel "better" but in hindsight we should have ignored those reasons. When a local kid rarely sets foot on campus, he's probably heading elsewhere no matter what posters on a message board say.

That's great, but what does it matter? Everybody is on about all the signs we should have seen, but so what?

People don't seem to care about the result as much as the way it went down and how they should have seen it coming. If the kid goes to another school, what do I care if he telegraphed it, kept it under wraps, or switched at the last minute? This isn't about feelings, it's about results.
That's great, but what does it matter? Everybody is on about all the signs we should have seen, but so what?

People don't seem to care about the result as much as the way it went down and how they should have seen it coming. If the kid goes to another school, what do I care if he telegraphed it, kept it under wraps, or switched at the last minute? This isn't about feelings, it's about results.

Never said it wasn't about results. My post was mentioned in the context of the conversation about "bags" being the reason he didn't come to Miami. My point was I don't know what the reason was, but the kid's actions never made it seem like he had the interest that some said he did. To recap, though, Campbell AND Surtain (who most haven't talked about as much because we seemed to be a long shot from the beginning) were a loss. No if ands or buts about it.