Yeah, my response to you was just my perspective. I never graded out F$U's OL over the course of the year. I never said they were good or terrible (which they were).....all I said was that I would not talk **** about any other OL with our performance over the last few years.
As far as F$U's schedule, I still only care about one game on it...unless UM needs them to lose some other game. In that one game, there was a 1 sack differential between OL and we outrushed them by something like 25 yards. Though we did barely rush for over 100 yards. Just not enough THERE in THAT GAME for me to act like our OL was superior.....over the course of the season? Sure.
That's just me. Another thing I won't do is point fingers at another team's subpar punter in 2018..... lol
Its all good though.