Kill Trolls Dead Thread

@Andrew. Please review the evidence on vengefulsmellycunt, let justice be swift and merciless.
He gone. @Vengeful OldTestament God:


I think even Manny can pull off a 12-0 run with King at QB.
Manny Diaz is not going 12-0 with Tom Brady at QB. People’s blind optimism for this dude is crazy. Let’s see how much he has improved as a game day coach (which is what matters most) before hating on people for speaking the truth about him. I am in wait and see mode but nothing I seem so far tells me he is gonna be a good coach on saturdays. I think he can recruit, is a solid D coord and a good ambassador for the program. But he is Ron Zook 2.0 to me. Just what I seem so far, maybe he can improve later but who knows.
Want me to start a burner account?
Somebody do something. Just get the mopes off my back. Please - Anyone - throw me a softball so I can smack it over the fence and give these mopey mope savages some red meat.

Honestly, I can’t help it if all of these new troll accounts are taking the “everything sucks forever and always” angle. I’m begging the trolls too. Please - just one of you (but preferably >1 of you) - slurp Manny, slurp Blake, slurp Strawley - I don’t care who or what - just slurp someone or something.
Somebody do something. Just get the mopes off my back. Please - Anyone - throw me a softball so I can smack it over the fence and give these mopey mope savages some red meat.

Honestly, I can’t help it if all of these new troll accounts are taking the “everything sucks forever and always” angle. I’m begging the trolls too. Please - just one of you - slurp Manny, slurp Blake, slurp Strawley - I don’t care who or what - just slurp someone or something.
It's one guy. He keeps coming back. He probably has a VPN so he can't be blocked by IP.

$1.99/month is the solution.
It's one guy. He keeps coming back. He probably has a VPN so he can't be blocked by IP.

$1.99/month is the solution.
I know this is antithetical but I just want to see our mopes happy.
Somebody do something. Just get the mopes off my back. Please - Anyone - throw me a softball so I can smack it over the fence and give these mopey mope savages some red meat.

Honestly, I can’t help it if all of these new troll accounts are taking the “everything sucks forever and always” angle. I’m begging the trolls too. Please - just one of you (but preferably >1 of you) - slurp Manny, slurp Blake, slurp Strawley - I don’t care who or what - just slurp someone or something.
I would help out and slurp Strawley....But, I don't think they make a Dental Dam that's nearly thick enough....