Kill Trolls Dead Thread

For now on I'll refer to you as "The Cleaner"...
Street Sweeper
I am sick and tired, of these bandwagon jumpers just popping up. Every time our team doesn't live up to the Glory Days. Head coaches come and go. Fans like you is why the rest of the nation clowns us. It's like you were expecting a miracle. Again get off the wagon now and don't get back on, when things turn around
Mike, welcome to our little thread. Are you ok man? You seem a bit unhinged these last couple of days.
I don’t know what’s happened to this place, with Inday and Oblivion away for whatever reasons, but the trolls are running rampant and it isn’t even close - they’re ruining the board.

And it took more days to ban one new blatant troll that multiple long-standing members complained about than it took Enos in # of games to figure out that he needed to go majority gun. [Come on slurpers, stay with me. That was just harmless (but true) hyperbole].

I’m not talking about long-standing members who like to play around like the guy who loves him some Kosi or the one who went to F$U. I’m talking about late 2018 to present born to CIS porsters out here stirring it up and mucking up the board. The board has had it.

There needs to be a rule on thread starting and tenure for starters. Now if there are any trolls you want tried in our kangaroo court of injustice then throw their names out here so we can round them up, examine the evidence and kill trolls dead!

This time I’m in charge of this persecution. Yeah! Ha ha!!!! This time the Jews are running the Inquisition. **** Yeah! I will not rest until every last one of them is sent out in dust-laden urns.

Ready - set - get em!!!!!

Go Canes!!!!!!!!
The following users have been banned:

Coldweather for being Pen
Godcane for being firstdude
Joefan for being fan345
Creator for being Win9437
Rabbit for being Cozybed
945canes for being bigace2000, canes1995, tylong2000, bigbadace1995
Storybook for being Schnellyfan

Justice never sleeps or takes a holiday