Kill Trolls Dead Thread

Ok seriously guys… we’ve given the young guy plenty of shît. Not saying he didn’t deserve some of it but let it be please. We were all young at some point and I in particular was not a model example.
i knew how to write "ton" at about age 10.

You need to learn some reading comprehension skills. He said at his job, the older employees harass the new users. But I totally forgot he works as a canesinsight moderator.

That was a subsequent comment that you made, you buffoon. I responded to a porst that did not mention him working as a Maude.

Learn some context skills, clown.
You are a liar....he NEVER ran a 4.13 laser...he even admitted it....stop your's moronic...
So you think HOFmer Gil Brandt is a liar? He timed him while Jackson was in the NFL. He ran a 4.19 then. And in a interview with ESPN, Bo Jackson said nfl scouts timed him when he ran the 4.13. And can you remind me what Froggy's name is? I gotta look a his time again. If I can remember correctly, he was a 4.42
Why would I listen and gain knowledge from the people on this site? I don't want to grow up to be a canesinsight moderator.
It’s not only moderators that you can learn from. Besides, the maudes are unpaid volunteers and have regular day jobs. There are MANY very intelligent and insightful people on this site - including the moderators. As I mentioned, it’s many times better to listen - or in the case of this site, read - and you’ll gain a tremendous amount of knowledge and insight.
It’s not only moderators that you can learn from. Besides, the maudes are unpaid volunteers and have regular day jobs. There are MANY very intelligent and insightful people on this site - including the moderators. As I mentioned, it’s many times better to listen - or in the case of this site, read - and you’ll gain a tremendous amount of knowledge and insight.
as much as i hate having discussions about a certain topic right now, it has given me a great insight as to why people dont want to do a certain thing. in fact, we had someone in here sharing his experience with being permanently damaged from the treatment i mentioned.

this board has a lot of viewpoints and they can be shared freely, which i dont always like, but have to respect. and eventually, i arrange that people have certain views over certain things.

unless if you call me a ****. then i will fly to your house and **** on your carpet.
I am actually not lying. The only button that appears is reply. The quote and edit section aren't there. And when I was in Eye in the Sky, there wasn't a section to post a thread. It could just be a problem with my specific account.

Please screenshot it. And show us all your open windows, even the ones involving nun **** and/or *** cruises.
that joke went over your head
Dude I am like 5 steps ahead of all you guys. I used those spelling errors in my essay on purpose because I knew you guys would have your way with it. When I got in my first disagreement on my ST26 account, I made it a goal to just harass and mess with you guys. It's quite enjoyable. I have created like 6 other accounts, which normally get banned within a week because I clown you guys so much.
Watching Cane in Orlando trying to out derail a hopelessly derailed thread by arguing 40 times with a 16 year old is the kind of content I need more of.
First off I am 9, so get my age right. And secondly, the dude keeps bringing it up after I proved him wrong like 2 years ago. He still can't get over the defeat