Kill Trolls Dead Thread

Just so that you don't get away with your usual parsing...👇

Post in thread 'Kill Trolls Dead Thread'

TheOriginalCane said:
I left him alone for a while. I have even ignored a bunch of his "ghost/you ran away/I destroyed you" postings since then.

I would just like to see him stop lying about "I acknowledged my name is Jeff, thus my identity was fair game". I don't give a rat's **** about his p-analytics.

I grew up under Reagan, where peace is achieved via an arms race. I guarantee I have more firepower than he does, but I don't feel the need to "drive him from this organization" or "grind him into dust". If he chooses respect, I can reciprocate.

I am a very reasonable, fair, and honest person.
... "

Your firepower? Don't mistake you wearing Iron Man underoos with having any actual ability.

Bring it on.

You will be given no quarter.

In fact, I kinda enjoy your threat. Like when a 5 year old gets all huffy puffy.

Don't go and run to the mods again crying! Whatever shall I do!!??
... "

Wait, so you had to create a SECOND Zack Snyder edit to explain your belated first Zack Snyder edit AND the non-existent threat that you invented in your own head?


@JD08 , we may need you to intervene and explain to your boy Empirical that I have nuked every one of his silly delusions about "being in the right" when he tried to doxx me, not to mention my good-faith efforts to accept a cease-fire.
Interesting the timeline or even another poster's message doesn't support your version of events.

Please go on.

Please explain your fictitious timeline.

You posted 25 minutes ago.

I quoted, in full, and responded to that post 24 minutes ago.



Receipts, genius:

TheOriginalCane said:
I left him alone for a while. I have even ignored a bunch of his "ghost/you ran away/I destroyed you" postings since then.

I would just like to see him stop lying about "I acknowledged my name is Jeff, thus my identity was fair game". I don't give a rat's **** about his p-analytics.

I grew up under Reagan, where peace is achieved via an arms race. I guarantee I have more firepower than he does, but I don't feel the need to "drive him from this organization" or "grind him into dust". If he chooses respect, I can reciprocate.

I am a very reasonable, fair, and honest person.
Your firepower? Don't mistake you wearing Iron Man underoos with having any actual ability.

Bring it on.

You will be given no quarter.

In fact, I kinda enjoy your threat. Like when a 5 year old gets all huffy puffy.

Don't go and run to the mods again crying! Whatever shall I do!!??

Last edited: 16 minutes ago
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[IMG alt="TheOriginalCane"][/IMG]


All American​

JoinedDec 22, 2011Messages14,524
Empirical Cane said:
Bring it on. You will be given no quarter.

So, you read that and interpreted it as a challenge?

Now I see why you mistakenly thought my name was Jeff. You have zero reading comprehension.
IMAX is 4:3, just FYI. That's why the aspect ratio was what it was. I think the ZS cut told a better story, but it still wasn't as good as the Marvel movies.

I try to catch REAL IMAX movies a couple of times a year I never realized that the screen is 4:3 because it is so enormous it overwhelms you - so you really can’t tell. Now I’m talking about AutoNation IMAX, not those other theaters that say they have IMAX but they really don’t. I call it, and others have too, LIE-MAX
I don’t even understand the full fight. Someone used a name on here that they thought was TOC’s first name - which it is not - and then Empirical repeated it so he’s a Doxxer????
Lyor Cohen bro…

@JD08 , we may need you to intervene and explain to your boy Empirical that I have nuked every one of his silly delusions about "being in the right" when he tried to doxx me, not to mention my good-faith efforts to accept a cease-fire.
I just want everyone to play nice. There's at least one troll you both can call out. That usually unites everyone.
Please explain your fictitious timeline.

You posted 25 minutes ago.

I quoted, in full, and responded to that post 24 minutes ago.



Receipts, genius:

Your firepower? Don't mistake you wearing Iron Man underoos with having any actual ability.

Bring it on.

You will be given no quarter.

In fact, I kinda enjoy your threat. Like when a 5 year old gets all huffy puffy.

Don't go and run to the mods again crying! Whatever shall I do!!??

Last edited: 16 minutes ago
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[IMG alt="TheOriginalCane"][/IMG]


All American​

JoinedDec 22, 2011Messages14,524

So, you read that and interpreted it as a challenge?

Now I see why you mistakenly thought my name was Jeff. You have zero reading comprehension.
Your timeline is just flat out incorrect; to further lay it to rest...

Post #6,958.

Outsmarted again eh?

You make it too easy.

I guess he magically altered that timeline too?

Quick, try and fabricate up how that response, before your others, was actually after all of yours we are just to silly to realize it.

You are trying to hard to save face.

Please go on though.
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I don’t even understand the full fight. Someone used a name on here that they thought was TOC’s first name - which it is not - and then Empirical repeated it so he’s a Doxxer????
Perplexing isn't it.

The subterfuge and misdirection on this name is comical. Almost like trying to hard.