Kill Trolls Dead Thread

I defer to his expertise.

They are strong candidates for inclusion. Very strong.
Oh the words thundercunt and slap nuts.

Thundercunt was a word I used or thought I made up in 2001 cussing out this kid in basic. His feet stunk, he stunk and never cleaned up his ******* bunk.
Slapnuts.... any double J Jeff Jarrett fans in the house? His WCW/NWO catchphrase was come on that, slapnuts after Honky Tonky-ing someone with his guitar
@Andrew and @DMoney - we kindly request that @Gooner#44 and @Mklein13 be admitted back on the board under the close close watch of myself and @JD08 with an esteemed team of mentors comprised of @djnellz , @1LuvCane and @Empirical Cane ?

If they get out of line we can send them to the Mannbee Hive for our version of scared straight where their host will be @Go Canes!!

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@Andrew i think D$ just said yes so please feel free to reinstate these fella’s under strict probationary rules. @JD08 and I will take care of all the paperwork.

Since we're here.

I present @The Bun and accuse him of first degree trollery. Is there anyone who would like to speak on his behalf?

Exhibit A: His first 4 posts. All attacking @OriginalCanesCanesCanes.

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This is an inaccurate representation of the events. Let the record show that my initial post was merely a commentary on the overall mood of the thread and did not target anyone in particular.

OCCC then began sperging out on myself and fine upstanding gentleman @We the Boss, and I simply returned in kind.

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