Kill Trolls Dead Thread

@Deaf / @GentleBreeze91 - the Blades are sharpening and Uncle Igor had to much coffee this morning so his trigger finger is shaking.

The following poRsters are now on Troll Watch and evidence will be heard for and against:
@Mano a Mano
Why am I on the troll list? Is being disappointed about the way they came out in the first half of the game really that bad? I guess wanting Miami to play to the best of their ability makes me a troll know. If you are going by that logic, look at all the people that were throwing fits in the game day discussion.
Why am I on the troll list? Is being disappointed about the way they came out in the first half of the game really that bad? I guess wanting Miami to play to the best of their ability makes me a troll know. If you are going by that logic, look at all the people that were throwing fits in the game day discussion.
I don’t know. That’s strong man. @JeddTheFisch @No_Fly_Zone Bueller????
He's a troll for sure. Came in talking **** about Manny and Rumph and then proceed to use Sam Shields as a db who was under developed while at Miami. No real Miami fan wouldn't know Shields was a wr for 3 years and switched to cb his last year at Miami. For ***** sake guy went to the league while Randy was coach. That's a troll reach.
I’m waiting for his response. Meanwhile, @OhioCanesfan has responded so if people have anything meaningful, they can put it out there or that one gets an indefinite extension.
King was the sole reason we won last night. If we started Perry, we 100% would have lost that game. King avoided about 6 sacks with his legs alone

Ya true. But with Perry at QB, I dont think we would have scored more than 14 points.

Sorry If i beleived the hype of Lashlee/king and I expected our offense to be jacked up to play in a new system and would score a lot of points against a team that let up 35 to central Ark. I am not he only one who had high expectations. You should look at the comment section in the gameday discussion. People already compared Lashlee to Enos and was calling for his head

100 percent. Pope scares me back there. Not to hate on the guy but he seems scared of contact. I have always noticed that about him

All I said was that I expected Miami to come out with a little more fire and passion on offense. Maybe I had to much expectations. Before the game, I though we were going to come out and score three straight touchdowns. It took us till the third quarter to pull away.

30 total porsts as these are five of them, in rapid succession. Assclown troll.
All I said was that I expected Miami to come out with a little more fire and passion on offense. Maybe I had to much expectations. Before the game, I though we were going to come out and score three straight touchdowns. It took us till the third quarter to pull away.
That’s it?

New accounts that start posting a lot and post anything negative automatically draw suspicion.
I’m waiting for his response. Meanwhile, @OhioCanesfan has responded so if people have anything meaningful, they can put it out there or that one gets an indefinite extension.
He's said positive things about players and negative about coaches. A bit abrasive, yes. A troll, no. I vote he stays.

FYI: His first post was high praise for Restropo.
That’s it?

New accounts that start posting a lot and post anything negative automatically draw suspicion.
So that’s not all of it. Those look like new troll posts, especially 2 of them but it’s not the worst or necessarily conviction worthy
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30 total porsts as these are five of them, in rapid succession. Assclown troll.
We would have lost that game with Perry or Williams. Kings ability to move around in the pocket and avoid being sacked was very impressive. He avoided about 7 sacks throughout the game. Thats more of a complement to King. It shows how big of an impact he makes.
30 total porsts as these are five of them, in rapid succession. Assclown troll.
That 3 straight TDs expectation is a subtle troll move that caught my attention. Create an unrealistic expectation for the team, then bash them for not meeting it. Intermediate Trolling 301.

Either way, I expect this will sort itself out.
That 3 straight TDs expectation is a subtle troll move that caught my attention. Create an unrealistic expectation for the team, then bash them for not meeting it. Intermediate Trolling 301.

Either way, I expect this will sort itself out.
Wow, I guess I am the only Canes fan who was expecting big things from an OC that ranked in the top 10 last year.I guess I was the only fan who was expecting big things from the spread and a good qb. I suggest you look at all the comments in the game day discussion. People were complaining up a storm.