Kill Trolls Dead Thread

Lol. Androol got tired of a few of his goldfish floating so he flushed all 20 goldfish, snails, crabs and shrimp in his tank down the toilet and put the tank in his garage.

Yep. “Equal” Justice for everyone.

I had nine reported posts in 38 months and one bogus "political” thread of some dude dropping base on TV and got whacked.

The most wtf managerial style I’ve seen in a long *** time..
Yep. “Equal” Justice for everyone.

I had nine reported posts in 38 months and one bogus "political” thread of some dude dropping base on TV and got whacked.

The most wtf managerial style I’ve seen in a long *** time..
LMAO. Please see below:

Ah, yes, the Empirical Snowflake whines again.

Unlike you and most others, I actually respected Andrew's request to avoid politics, once he made that mandate.

I followed the guidelines quite well. One could even say to the letter.

Try again.

PS How did that morbidly obese comment you made work out? Was that following what Andrew said?

Nice work.
Do as i say, not as I do...
When facts don't work always use defamation.

You mean 👇

When Andrew clearly laid out these guidelines prior 👇

"...Unfortunately, some users are posting more about politics and their support or hate of political officials than actually discussing the virus, the impact of the virus, or the response..."