Kill Trolls Dead Thread

Reeses peanut butter cups
Controversial, because technically it's not a bar. But I agree that it is Top 5 worthy, and should be considered a bar based on the doubled-up package. Reese's Pieces are also amazing, and a Nutrageous is badazz

Controversial, because technically it's not a bar. But I agree that it is Top 5 worthy, and should be considered a bar based on the doubled-up package. Reese's Pieces are also amazing, and a Nutrageous is badazz
I will take the defeat on a technicality.
I'll change my nomination to Mr. Goodbar...
Engineers I'd believe because I've seen a lot of marginally literate posts there. The others I'm not as sure about. Problem is the topics are all over the place. I care about football and similar things in that area, not the Chonga Bunch (Not objecting, just not the reason for visiting), not to hear some jackass call everyone else a beta because alphas get up at 4 and take ice cold showers, and he's an alpha.

It's more if a hangout with less focus. Anybody ****swinging they're better because WEZ! Really needs to get out more often.

Yes, there are all kinds of topics. And YET - here on CIS - how many times do we see a post with OT in front of it? You see, that's why the WEZ was part of CIS years ago. But on WEZ, football is also discussed - with some very knowledgeable folks over there.

And as for the WEZ Alpha's? They actually get up at 3:30 and take ice cold showers. Not 4:00.

The ****swinging you mention at the WEZ - it's inadvertent - we have members that wear plain old boxers - and ****swinging comes with the territory. You may take comfort that frequently, they have chaffing all the way to the knee from the friction.
Sounds like you need some diet help. Of all the diet post this is spot on for power muscle growth protein and carbs critical fuel it's not rocket science feed your furnace feed you metabolism eat like this all day and pound your long and pound your body relentlessly with heavy poundage.
Oh I need all kinds of help. I’m a pretty fûcked up individual. That’s long established.
Yes, there are all kinds of topics. And YET - here on CIS - how many times do we see a post with OT in front of it? You see, that's why the WEZ was part of CIS years ago. But on WEZ, football is also discussed - with some very knowledgeable folks over there.

And as for the WEZ Alpha's? They actually get up at 3:30 and take ice cold showers. Not 4:00.

The ****swinging you mention at the WEZ - it's inadvertent - we have members that wear plain old boxers - and ****swinging comes with the territory. You may take comfort that frequently, they have chaffing all the way to the knee from the friction.

The WEZ left? I still see it.
Yes, there are all kinds of topics. And YET - here on CIS - how many times do we see a post with OT in front of it? You see, that's why the WEZ was part of CIS years ago. But on WEZ, football is also discussed - with some very knowledgeable folks over there.

And as for the WEZ Alpha's? They actually get up at 3:30 and take ice cold showers. Not 4:00.

The ****swinging you mention at the WEZ - it's inadvertent - we have members that wear plain old boxers - and ****swinging comes with the territory. You may take comfort that frequently, they have chaffing all the way to the knee from the friction.
If you put a little Selsun Blue on that chafing when you take a nice warm shower, that chafing will clear up overnight. Then wear boxer briefs. I learned that one the hard way.
You'd think it was the Bloods and the Crips the way some people paint it. WEZ is largely OT with NO filter and a bit of Canes discussion. This place is the reciprocal of that.

Either way, we all hate the gators and Noles and if you're ****ed at the administration, WEZ will agree with you and you can vent freely.