Kill Trolls Dead Thread

Welp.....Just sitting here waiting on Judge Andrew Napolitano to hit me with the Death Penalty for me going in on that "Faqquit" Aardvark in the Art Kehoe thread...Dudes a POS...And I give Absolutely NO Fs given about some BS Ban...when these decrepit Azzwipe Trolls are allowed to Sh*t up every thread constantly....

You shouldn't catch any heat for that, man. Your rage at that troll was righteous and he deserved it.

I am certain you already know the stories about the lengths Kehoe went to protecting UM players when Dwayne Bowe and other L$U pieces of human excrement were swinging helmets and head stomping guys in the tunnel after the Peach Bowl in 2005. Art Kehoe is a Cane no matter what, and anyone trying to diminish him at this particular moment in time is a giant piece of ****.

You shouldn't catch any heat for that, man. Your rage at that troll was righteous and he deserved it.

I am certain you already know the stories about the lengths Kehoe went to protecting UM players when Dwayne Bowe and other L$U pieces of human excrement were swinging helmets and head stomping guys in the tunnel after the Peach Bowl in 2005. Art Kehoe is a Cane no matter what, and anyone trying to diminish him at this particular moment in time is a giant piece of ****.
Only MFer on EARTH....That Rocks 5 UM NC Rings....Talk about Bling....
You shouldn't catch any heat for that, man. Your rage at that troll was righteous and he deserved it.

I am certain you already know the stories about the lengths Kehoe went to protecting UM players when Dwayne Bowe and other L$U pieces of human excrement were swinging helmets and head stomping guys in the tunnel after the Peach Bowl in 2005. Art Kehoe is a Cane no matter what, and anyone trying to diminish him at this particular moment in time is a giant piece of ****.
CaneinOrlando knows of nobody...with The Love for UM like Art....
@aardvark , you had to push it and go in on Art Kehoe in his get well thread. You see what happens...

I just saw a hobo that smoked too much synthetic weed in the street. They call it “spice” here. Cops told me you can buy it in $3 & $5 bags. Some bad shît.

They call it spice up here too. That schit is terrible. Every so often you see them make one of the ingredients illegal and then a whole new batch comes out with even worse schit replacing it. Up here you see a lot of guys on probation, switch from weed to spice, thinking its the same schit(since it doesn't show up on drug tests) and they turn into zombies.
They call it spice up here too. That schit is terrible. Every so often you see them make one of the ingredients illegal and then a whole new batch comes out with even worse schit replacing it. Up here you see a lot of guys on probation, switch from weed to spice, thinking its the same schit(since it doesn't show up on drug tests) and they turn into zombies.
That’s exactly what the cops told me. He said these guys on probation do it bc they **** clean on it.