Kill Trolls Dead Thread

"When he knew I couldn't respond".

You really shouldn't toss around terms like "triggered" when it is obvious that you are projecting.

Your ego is perilously fragile. You think everything is about you. You think you are persecuted. You think that you are always right and that everyone else is wrong. You feel compelled to "set the record straight" over minor misunderstandings over whether one or another of your multiple screen names has been banned.

I can't diagnose mental illness, but I can recommend that you have your mental health checked.

For the record, I have no idea whether you can or cannot respond, and until I was told by RVA the terms of your banishment, I had no idea how long you would be gone or if you were posting under another name. Yet you bizarrely continue to speak as if we put you into some sort of Hannibal Lecter restraints and hurled insults at your face.
This is true. TOC did not know NYSOM is ordinarily blocked from this thread

People don't usually go full Snopes and plenty of people believed it. But...

Was posted immediately after his **** hobby slam.
Was not an exact duplicate of a real message.

That's 2 in your favor that I see.
Seriously, in all fairness, 2 wrongs thing aside, he was essentially attacked with a homo slur and he fought back with that and it was immediate. In context, I don’t find it egregious like if he just did it out of left field.
He knew I was banned from the site.

I also saw people giving "the wink" that you were "around", and there was ongoing talk about you getting an early release.

Furthermore, my posts are here, they haven't been deleted, and you can search them.

What difference does it make if you "respond" a few days later? What, if I say something and you don't get to "set the record straight" a minute later, it becomes accepted fact? What about all the time that passed when you didn't acknowledge that your fake DM from Austin was just a horrible joke?

You either need a mental health checkup or a long honest look in the mirror. You are literally claiming that your motivation stems from "not being able to respond" when you were banned for OTHER reasons. For at least some time period, I had no idea you were even banned. There is no tote board that shows who is banned and for how long. Why do you assume that I know your business?

"He knew I was banned from the site"

"He knew I couldn't respond"

Seriously, you have a problem. You have a fragility of ego that is truly bizarre, abnormal, and unproductive.
I also saw people giving "the wink" that you were "around", and there was ongoing talk about you getting an early release.

Furthermore, my posts are here, they haven't been deleted, and you can search them.

What difference does it make if you "respond" a few days later? What, if I say something and you don't get to "set the record straight" a minute later, it becomes accepted fact? What about all the time that passed when you didn't acknowledge that your fake DM from Austin was just a horrible joke?

You either need a mental health checkup or a long honest look in the mirror. You are literally claiming that your motivation stems from "not being able to respond" when you were banned for OTHER reasons. For at least some time period, I had no idea you were even banned. There is no tote board that shows who is banned and for how long. Why do you assume that I know your business?

"He knew I was banned from the site"

"He knew I couldn't respond"

Seriously, you have a problem. You have a fragility of ego that is truly bizarre, abnormal, and unproductive.

Seriously, in all fairness, 2 wrongs thing aside, he was essentially attacked with a homo slur and he fought back with that and it was immediate. In context, I don’t find it egregious like if he just did it out of left field.

I fail to see the "homo slur".

First sentence was that NYSOM needs to get a hobby. NOTHING WRONG.

The second sentence said that TROLLING for d!ck was not a hobby.

Was there a third sentence which was edited out of this vicious "attack"? Am I missing something here? I do NOT want to be unfair to NYSOM, but how in the **** is this an "attack"?

Literally, NYSOM is the definition of a troll, and he has a fake-***-schtick. Is there something else that Austin said that justifies...NOT a rebuttal from NYSOM ("I am not actually ***, that is just my fake-***-persona)...but an actual counter-attack to a non-attack in which he fakes a DM so convincingly that nobody realizes it is a fake DM?

Again, I'll be open-minded and fair to NYSOM if you give me something to go on, I just fail to see the "attack".

This is like someone throwing a tissue at someone, followed by the other person pulling out a gun.

Does anyone else see the disproportionality? Where is the original "attack" that warranted a fake outing?
I fail to see the "homo slur".

First sentence was that NYSOM needs to get a hobby. NOTHING WRONG.

The second sentence said that TROLLING for d!ck was not a hobby.

Was there a third sentence which was edited out of this vicious "attack"? Am I missing something here? I do NOT want to be unfair to NYSOM, but how in the **** is this an "attack"?

Literally, NYSOM is the definition of a troll, and he has a fake-***-schtick. Is there something else that Austin said that justifies...NOT a rebuttal from NYSOM ("I am not actually ***, that is just my fake-***-persona)...but an actual counter-attack to a non-attack in which he fakes a DM so convincingly that nobody realizes it is a fake DM?

Again, I'll be open-minded and fair to NYSOM if you give me something to go on, I just fail to see the "attack".

This is like someone throwing a tissue at someone, followed by the other person pulling out a gun.

Does anyone else see the disproportionality? Where is the original "attack" that warranted a fake outing?
He said he was trolling for dîck. So he got it back.
@nystateofmind you need to make a thread on the main board. Stating what you posted about @AustinCane6688 was a fake.

I don't want to see any of your sly *** **** either. I want an apology that i best believe.

"I am sorry that the tech-illiterate posters on CIS did not comprehend my obviously fake DM, and I do not possess evidence that Austin is not ***."
I fail to see the "homo slur".

First sentence was that NYSOM needs to get a hobby. NOTHING WRONG.

The second sentence said that TROLLING for d!ck was not a hobby.

Was there a third sentence which was edited out of this vicious "attack"? Am I missing something here? I do NOT want to be unfair to NYSOM, but how in the **** is this an "attack"?

Literally, NYSOM is the definition of a troll, and he has a fake-***-schtick. Is there something else that Austin said that justifies...NOT a rebuttal from NYSOM ("I am not actually ***, that is just my fake-***-persona)...but an actual counter-attack to a non-attack in which he fakes a DM so convincingly that nobody realizes it is a fake DM?

Again, I'll be open-minded and fair to NYSOM if you give me something to go on, I just fail to see the "attack".

This is like someone throwing a tissue at someone, followed by the other person pulling out a gun.

Does anyone else see the disproportionality? Where is the original "attack" that warranted a fake outing?
He is the biggest shtick troll out there. That’s why I keep his shtick out of this thread.
He said he was trolling for dîck. So he got it back.

First, I believe that NYSOM is, quite literally, trolling for d!ck.

Second, I just went back and re-read the sentence (two clauses, one sentence) and it reads:

"Home boy needs to find a hobby, and trolling for d!ck isn't one of them"

Setting aside the obvious grammar error ("them" is plural and refers back to "hobby", which is singular), I read that sentence to say that "trolling for d!ck" is NOT a hobby for "home boy" (hereafter "NYSOM") to find.

So where is any accusation of what NYSOM is (or isn't)?

NYSOM needs to find a hobby.

"Trolling for d!ck" is not a hobby that NYSOM needs to find.

Is that an "attack"? Is that a "homo slur"? Have I suddenly, and late-in-life, lost all ability to comprehend the English language?

If I had NYSOM's personality, I would start to believe that this whole thing is a troll on me.
First, I believe that NYSOM is, quite literally, trolling for d!ck.

Second, I just went back and re-read the sentence (two clauses, one sentence) and it reads:

"Home boy needs to find a hobby, and trolling for d!ck isn't one of them"

Setting aside the obvious grammar error ("them" is plural and refers back to "hobby", which is singular), I read that sentence to say that "trolling for d!ck" is NOT a hobby for "home boy" (hereafter "NYSOM") to find.

So where is any accusation of what NYSOM is (or isn't)?

NYSOM needs to find a hobby.

"Trolling for d!ck" is not a hobby that NYSOM needs to find.

Is that an "attack"? Is that a "homo slur"? Have I suddenly, and late-in-life, lost all ability to comprehend the English language?

If I had NYSOM's personality, I would start to believe that this whole thing is a troll on me.
It’s a slur. It might be fitting for the “shtick” character he plays, but it was meant as a cut down and NYSOM responded as we know.

All I’m saying, is if NYSOM did this out of left field, then ok. But it was in direct response to that so there needs to be some context.
First, I believe that NYSOM is, quite literally, trolling for d!ck.

Second, I just went back and re-read the sentence (two clauses, one sentence) and it reads:

"Home boy needs to find a hobby, and trolling for d!ck isn't one of them"

Setting aside the obvious grammar error ("them" is plural and refers back to "hobby", which is singular), I read that sentence to say that "trolling for d!ck" is NOT a hobby for "home boy" (hereafter "NYSOM") to find.

So where is any accusation of what NYSOM is (or isn't)?

NYSOM needs to find a hobby.

"Trolling for d!ck" is not a hobby that NYSOM needs to find.

Is that an "attack"? Is that a "homo slur"? Have I suddenly, and late-in-life, lost all ability to comprehend the English language?

If I had NYSOM's personality, I would start to believe that this whole thing is a troll on me.
Got a laughing emoji from me because in a sordid kind of way, this entire situation is hilarious.

It’s a slur. It might be fitting for the “shtick” character he plays, but it was meant as a cut down and NYSOM responded as we know.

All I’m saying, is if NYSOM did this out of left field, then ok. But it was in direct response to that so there needs to be some context.

Look, I'm not arguing with you, I'm asking for clarification. We all go back and forth with each other, and given the update to the rules, I think we could all benefit for some additional understanding.

I think you are saying that if someone says "RVA Cane needs to get a hobby, and spinning dreidels is not one of them" (and I use that example with all love and respect to you, you know I hold you in the highest regard), then it is the mention of "spinning dreidels" as some sort of ethnic/religious shorthand that is the problem, not the literal accusation that you are a "dreidel spinner"?

I just want to understand, because "trolling for d!ck", for right or wrong, is a phrase that I have seen used on CIS with some frequency.

Like I said earlier, I do not think that Austin's sentence was a literal ACCUSATION that NYSOM is *** (something that NYSOM himself has clouded for months), but he certainly used words which are shorthand for someone being ***.

That's why I take issue with NYSOM calling it an "attack". I do not believe he was attacked. Now, "slur" is a possibility. If a person says the "n-word", even if they are not calling someone the "n-word", it is still a slur, just not an attack on any particular person.

And now we return to our regularly scheduled episode of The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer.
Second, I just went back and re-read the sentence (two clauses, one sentence) and it reads:

"Home boy needs to find a hobby, and trolling for d!ck isn't one of them"

Setting aside the obvious grammar error ("them" is plural and refers back to "hobby", which is singular), I read that sentence to say that "trolling for d!ck" is NOT a hobby for "home boy" (hereafter "NYSOM") to find.

So where is any accusation of what NYSOM is (or isn't)?

NYSOM needs to find a hobby.

"Trolling for d!ck" is not a hobby that NYSOM needs to find.

Is that an "attack"? Is that a "homo slur"? Have I suddenly, and late-in-life, lost all ability to comprehend the English language?

C'mon, man. This is a pretty disingenuous argument. The implication of the second clause following the first is that NYSOM trolls for d1ck, and OP is not counting "trolling for d!ck" as a legitimate hobby.

You're also assuming OP's command of the written English language is sufficient, despite acknowledging at least one basic grammatical mistake in the sentence. I know you know better. People don't always say (or type) precisely what they mean, and they don't always mean precisely what they say (or type).

All of that being said, as I recall it, NYSOM started off as a typical mopey troll around these parts. A couple of years ago, after catching some flack for that, he changed his shtick and had the dueling accounts (NYSOM and NJSOM), that included a "rosier" outlook from the Garden State. In my opinion, that was actually pretty funny and much appreciated during a particularly sad time in Canes football. Pretty sure I advocated on his behalf at the time.

Unfortunately (IMO), as the shtick developed, it evolved an odd homoeroticism that would probably be interesting to a behavioral psychologist, but is often less-than-funny for my tastes. Some people get upset and engage, others think it's funny and engage, and others simply ignore it. To each his/her own.

When NYSOM is at his best, he's bringing news to the board and providing some light comic relief. When he's at his worst, he's spamming the board with OT nonsense or making individuals cringe via relentless homosexual innuendo. Do with that what you will...