Kill Trolls Dead Thread

I see that new warning/rules have Ben porsted. Question: are all violations 1 point, 3 points? If the number of points can vary based on the violation, what is a 1 pointer, where is the 3 point line etc, etc, etc.

Both feet behind the line for a 3 pointer?

I feel like you should be working in television, creating ads and cliffhangers for our favorite shows.

Great job this week, by the way.
Thanks man. I’m not advocating a position really beyond letting him in here briefly. I might even agree with much of what the detractors are saying. This is all entertainment for me and whoever wants to drop in.
I see that new warning/rules have Ben porsted. Question: are all violations 1 point, 3 points? If the number of points can vary based on the violation, what is a 1 pointer, where is the 3 point line etc, etc, etc.
Everything has a 1 point warning base value. That doesn't mean an extreme case won't warrant a permaband.

Nobody is going to post" I'm going to catch you at the game and shoot your ***" and expect a 1 point warning.
I could keep the mods busy all offseason reporting posts.

Maybe we should have a mod appreciation day where we report everything and all get banned.
All warnings are worth 1 point and the active point values for bans is not new. What is new, somewhat, is that mods can ban users under 500 posts without using warnings. This was put in place about a month ago.
He’s banned so he can’t but I don’t believe it is real. The negotiations on this battle in here have hit a snag. It might be good to reach out to him as his appearance is pending on that.

People have no idea about the behind the scenes drama. Pimpin’ Aint Easy!
But is sure is fun!