Kevin Olsen for Recruiting Dummies

This thread reminded me to share with you another recent prophetic vision I had about Olsen. After he is done leading Miami to multiple National Championships, he will be selected by the New England Patriots one year after Brady retires. Yes, that's right...our very own Saviour is actually the successfor of Tom Brady. He will unite with Bill Belichek for another reign of terror that will haunt the league. Olsen will go from the most beloved QB in NCAA history to the most hated QB in the NFL due to his winning ways. Everyone will turn on him as the Jews turned on Jesus....kinda sad actually.

I hate the patriots, but I would root for the kid if he put on a Patriots uniform.

Olsen is everything we haven't had in many, many years.

The kid is very bright. Very smart.

Smart means fast thinking. Running his checkdowns quickly without hesitations.

He has a touch.

I can't wait.
***** will be having lunch with Lebron and Wade on the regular after his first year ....

hes that good brah
thats really funny timepiece

also - its kind of strange that both older Olsen's went to Notre Dame and then transferred
Mike its just something to get our minds of of this ****** 5-7 season we are about to have...We were saying the same things about Preston Dewey last year at this time..

I can't tell if you are trolling but Olsen and Dewey's resumes are not even close to similar. Olsen is, at worst, a top 10 recruit at QB. Dewey was in the 60s.

Preston was considered atleast top 20 by everyone, he also had a solid performance in the camps and also had a senior year injury. The difference in the rep is that olsen got handed the keys to the team pretty young while Dewey bid his time as he was stuck behind another high profile QB in his his high school. Rankings don't look favorable on late bloomers as most is predetermined earlier. Either way we have two QBs who can be solid. We'll find out which one is better with a little time, but lets not have the grass is greener debate

matched up side by side at camps...our camp at that...

Kevin Olsen made Preston Dewey and Gray Crow look like Matt Cassell alongside Tom Brady...thats being a year or 2 behind those guys.

He's flat out better than them
Once they arrive, all the stars are stripped away. Rankings become irrelevant and true ability with competition remains.

2014 Here we go

Dewey v. Olsen v. Williams v. Crow
Greg wanted to be a Cane from Go. Got caught up with playing with his brother who looked like the heir apparent. As soon as he had a chance to follow his heart, he did. Huge reason why the brother is a Cane.
Thinking back, Chris might have been a Cane as well but he didn't have a commitable offer. He camped at UM 2X I believe.