Kevin Olsen Documentary

Williams may start, but he'll have to beat out a RS Soph Dewey, and a RS Freshman Olsen. This staff plays no favorites, if he beats those two out it tells us that we'll be ok with Williams and that the other two aren't going to be special. They may be good, but no special QB gets beat out by Williams.

Williams may start, but he'll have to beat out a RS Soph Dewey, and a RS Freshman Olsen. This staff plays no favorites, if he beats those two out it tells us that we'll be ok with Williams and that the other two aren't going to be special. They may be good, but no special QB gets beat out by Williams.

Dewey never redshirted
The sad thing is you see him running around as a tot, and then you look at the year of the film and it says "2001."
Watched it...a few comments:

- The Olsen's are the protoypical blue collar american family. Chris Olsen is a man's man and great role model/leader for young men.

- Christian Olsen really let himself Looks like the fat kid from Family guy.

- I know I joke about this alot, but Kevin really is Baby Jesus....The Chosen One. Team loses 9 of its top players, and The Last Patriot steps up, carries his team on his back, and delivers in the most clutch way possible. Is there any doubt that Olsen will resurrect QB U? May His will be done.

- Barry Jackson really is a horses's ***. Dude takes Baby J's quote about Miami's qb situation out of context and completely spins it to appear controversial. Doesn't even mention that he said the same thing about Auburn's qb situation. This man is just out to slander The U. A pox upon his residence.

ehhhh, idk about that. it wasn't a great choice of words, especially since he knew this filming was going on. that's more of a private thing to say. i wasn't too happy hearing it. sounded as bad as i thought the quote portrayed it to be.