Keith Bryant 99.9% sure he'll be a Cane

Bottom line: If Bryant assured our corches that he's all UM but is just going to mess around with some peoples' heads, then his shenanigans are funny. If not, then he's exhibiting some lack of character.

I always stuck to the "he's trolling" thought but I admit after a while even I started to believe him

Look at this guy:


My friends, that is the face of a massive troll.

0% chance he signs with us.....don't fall for it. You have been warned.
^ that is the neck of a big time BCS caliber DT. I don't give two chits what game he plays befor NSD, as long as he signs with the U.
I don't care what Keith does. If he feels the need to do the Chinese Water Torture trick on signing day, do it. He can lock his feet up, throw on a straight jacket, lower himself into the water tank, and wiggle around while he tries to free himself. When he's done hamming it up to the crowd, just pick the ******* hat with the big U on it.
I don't care what Keith does. If he feels the need to do the Chinese Water Torture trick on signing day, do it. He can lock his feet up, throw on a straight jacket, lower himself into the water tank, and wiggle around while he tries to free himself. When he's done hamming it up to the crowd, just pick the ****ing hat with the big U on it.

hahahha wtf?!?! what?!?!... i guess i agree for the most part? **** that was confusing but i definitely agree with the last 11 words there
Also if hes 99.9% sure hes gonna be a cane then he should be gettin in other players ears about joining him. Damnit mane
Im 99.9% sure I dont care anymore

The .01 is what brought me to this thread

Those 2 sentences are recruiting 101. It's what this whole process is. & yes...I totally agree with NVA Cane. Just sign with the U big'll good.
Keith will be a Cane barring we don't get killed by the sanctions. The letter is coming boys, so lets get ready.