Keith Brown Decommits from IL

didnt he tell louisville players on twitter that he was coming to louisville? Dont know why you guys even think we have a chance he's going to louisville

I'd take this kid in a minute.

You can't let local high end recruits leave. If you do, the damage must be kept to a minimum.

In a year where you aren't getting Tracy Howard, Amari Cooper, or Ricardo gotta keep kids like Keith Brown home.

Agree with this. I love our LB class but Brown, whether you consider him a "diva" or not has a chance to be special, and he is local. You take him.

That said I am thinking Louisville.
You take this kid if he wants to come. you don't turn away an 18 yr old kid who had others pressuring him into making a decision to help his family.
We need as many quality LBs as possible.. It sounds like schools are cooling on the idea of taking his brother just to get him. I havent seen Keith Brown play, but if he isnt a 'Lavar Arrington' type of LB, I cant understand why any D1 school would waste a scholarship on his brother to secure his services. I cant blame the young man and his family for trying though. It isnt cheap to send your kids to a decent college anymore!

I hope this kid ends up in this class.
I'll randomly predict Miami here for this kid. Dunno why...just am.

Obviously Illinois is out of it for this kid. Whatever deal they had to bring in his brother and him is obviously off the table. Its down to Miami and Louisville...I'll give it the ole 51/49 in favor of Louisville for reasons we all know about, but what the ****, I'll say he shocks and picks Miami.
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So effing tired about hearing about this loser, and his loser family. I don't care if he's the next Lawrence Taylor, kid has no reason to think he deserves this kind of attention at this point in his life. Shut your mouth and play ball. I threw up in my mouth a little bit when I read "I wanted to make my announcement on TV". This kid should ask Duke the best way to get on TV, make plays, not cry to get your brother a scholly too.

And save me the pitty party about him looking out for his brother. If his family is so hard off that they have to pimp one child to secure an education for the other, more than likely he would get Pell Grants to go to school anyway. Any idiot can go to college these days, if your stupid enough to think that playing football is the only way, you deserve to rot up in Louisville and hate your parents for it in the long run.

I highly recommend people do their part to take the power away from these ******* divas and NOT tune into these games.
I highly recommend people do their part to take the power away from these ******* divas and NOT tune into these games.

There is an entire sub-industry being built around these kids. The prima-donna thing is only going to get worse. Nike, Under Armour, Yahoo Sports, Fox Sports, etc. have all invested a lot of money trying to create a market for wannabe college athletes. We are discussing a kid who has been talked about nationally for over a year now. This crap aint going away.