Kam Kinchens did it again ...

Man I’m happy to see him doing well in the NFL but his play was insanely erratic. He gave up a ton of huge plays his last year and stats were a little inflated with that 3 INT game against G-Tech.
The offense sucked last year. Kam took chances he didn’t need to trying to help the team out because he knew DVD would just keep throwing picks. I guarantee you if he played this year he would have been much more sound knowing we have an offense that can actually score.
He made the play, but he can thank the QB for that one. If it's throw ahead of the receiver, he's beat like a drum.
Listen, we would be lucky to have Kam back for one more year. He also let some dude run right past him going for a big play on the very last play of the game against Georgia Tech. The people saying he was a great player for us are correct. The people saying he took too many chances and cost us games are also correct.
100% right i just don’t like that people tried to down play him for guys they barely saw play. Sad some of our fans don’t fully appreciate guys until they are gone
100% right i just don’t like that people tried to down play him for guys they barely saw play. Sad some of our fans don’t fully appreciate guys until they are gone
I was one of those people and I was wrong about it too. I think I was just so frustrated because his worst plays were in the most inappropriate times of the game. I don’t usually mope about the Canes, but I did with Kam. I think I just had such high hopes for him coming off our first AA season in a very long time. I wish the young man the very best and will gladly eat crow about it every Sunday.
Ed reed is the greatest db ever, can we relax because a guy gets a few picks
Hope not - I hate the Broncos and the Patriots. I wish nothing but misery on those franchises.
Well Nix isn't it (yet).

Maye is doing **** I haven't seen with circumstances that are the league-worst.
I would gladly take occasional bad gambles over dudes who are NEVER in position, ALWAYS take bad angles and rarely tackle correctly. The guys we have now can’t do anything.
got to recruit better there
Gotta stop taking guys from bad defenses in the portal too. We’ve taken multiple Vandy cast-offs and Meesh Powell’s Washington defense was one of the worst against the pass last year.
Gotta stop taking guys from bad defenses in the portal too. We’ve taken multiple Vandy cast-offs and Meesh Powell’s Washington defense was one of the worst against the pass last year.
i think cause it was all we could get we had to settle, i knew it when we were gettin the Meesh's that we were in trouble. I was like why isnt he going to the draft? Especially off a natty game, but it was what it was we had to do something when u miss like that. Something was better than nothing. But we have to have elite DBs we are the U its inexcusable.