Who the **** needs FSU or UF trolls on this board when half of the "fans" on here will troll their own ASAP! Some of ya'll r weirdos. I ain't no rah rah ni99a, but my god, some of ya'll can't wait to bash players. Give Kaaya a break; he was a good QB here. Not his fault we had an incompetent coaching staff for 2/3 of his career. Not his fault our D couldn't hold a lead against FSU in 2015. Not his fault an OL can't hold a block for 1 sec for a PAT in 2016. Like give the ni99a a break. Personally, I hope he balls out. Any one who repped this U and wind up successful, is another notch in my team's belt for creating NFL players.
And who are you a fan of? Celebrating the mediocrity of a QB who tucked his tail in between his legs every in every pressure situation?
I have no doubt that a large portion of why he left early was because he didn't want to deal with the pressure that would be on him this year, because it literally made no sense for him to leave.
You're on here bashing over half the team in this post but think you're a better fan because you aren't singling anyone out? Right.
Bashing half the team??? Lol! Typical Hugh Phoney response.
So u weren't upset that D'Onofrio called prevent defense against Winston when we had them on the ropes, taking the lead at Doak?
U weren't upset that Coley kept calling the same plays, to the point that opposing defenses were in our backfield b4 the ball was snapped b/c they already knew the play??
You weren't upset when our Def had a team at 3rd and 5 on a crucial drive, and constantly gave up the 1st b/c of patty cake alignments?
U weren't upset when Coley took the ball out of Kaaya's hand driving in the Sun Bowl against WASU, to put it in a Yearby's hand, a RB, so he could throw the ball into a blizzard??!
U weren't upset w Richt calling RPOs v. letting Kaaya sling?
U weren't upset that a f'n PAT got blocked from a blown assignment????!
If u said no to any of those then mutha****** u lying. If u didn't scream at ur TV at Golden, or throw something towards D'Onofrios way, ur lying. That's not calling out half the team; ni99a those r facts. And the fact is, **** yeah Kaaya blew some games, too. But **** yeah he played well enough for us to win many more than we did.
Could he handle pocket pressure? Nope. Did he look like wounded duck running? Yep. But was he terrible here? **** No. Ya'll wasn't even on Morris' head like this, and didn't he go 0 for against FSwho too? Plain and simple, I root for all my Canes to be successful. Having The U flashed at pro bowls or scoring TDs, that's the best recruiting tool. But, at the same time, I'm glad that ni99a Kaaya is gone; he irked me....but no way in the world will I just bash him. Criticize, cool. Voice displeasures? Cool. Taking pleasure at a ni99a failing at the next level, being a former Cane? That's weirdo s**t, and I stand by that