Kaaya Lions

The day after the article about Kaaya probably not making the 53 man roster and heading to the practice squad, da QB Kaaya battling with for da backup spit sh*t da bed bad in practice. Let it play out.

It is better to have a VERY short NFL career and a few million in your bank account (and possibly finish your degree later) than win 10 games, hopefully the Coastal and possibly an ACCCG while playing for free. Even a National Championship wouldn't be worth it.

Unless an athlete can do like Delaney and possibly increase his draft grade (and if you're being honest, Brad couldn't), it's silly to wait (actually its financially irresponsible). Kaaya's flaws would be more exposed with another year of film. Matt Leinart made a huge mistake; Mitch Trubisky was a genius. Brad...was smart.
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It is better to have a VERY short NFL career and a few million in your bank account (and possibly finish your degree later) than win 10 games, hopefully the Coastal and possibly an ACCCG while playing for free. Even a National Championship wouldn't be worth it.

Unless an athlete can do like Delaney and possibly increase his draft grade (and if you're being honest, Brad couldn't), it's silly to wait (actually its financially irresponsible). Kaaya's flaws would be more exposed with another year of film. Matt Leinart made a huge mistake; Mitch Trubisky was a genius. Brad...was smart.

Brad could not have hurt his draft stock any further. One would assume that with an improved supporting staff and more time with the coaches, Brad would have a better season. Also, Miami would absolutely have had a better season which may have even had Kaaya overrated and over drafted. But we'll never know
He would have probably have learned a lot of the same things at Miami this year as he will on the scout team, but he's getting paid there, and can work on it full time. It probably would have been better for Miami if he'd stayed, just because everyone knew what he could do, both good and bad, but one of the QB's could step up and be reliable enough, and offer more mobility, to offset the inexperience. Will see.
I still say it was the new haircut he had last year. Completely ruined his game. Other than that, like him or not, cut the kid some slack -- he had to play for Golden and then Mark didn't exactly show up with his A game as QB genius last year. Brad is family, Cane family and that is suppose to mean something. A bad Cane is still better than the greatest smuck from anywhere else. If you don't understand that then you are simply not a Cane.
I'm having a hard time understanding the idiocy of this discussion. Brad was the one bright spot in the dismal saga of the last three years. He was a steady influence even though our OL had him on his back more often then not. No, he wasn't great but doesn' deserve the trash being said on this post. Teammates didn't like him? Unless I hear this from Pete I'm not going to believe it. Brad is a Cane that gave all that he had to us and he deserves respect for that. My guess is that if CMR wanted to go in a different direction and consequently did not discourage Brad from leaving.
I still say it was the new haircut he had last year. Completely ruined his game. Other than that, like him or not, cut the kid some slack -- he had to play for Golden and then Mark didn't exactly show up with his A game as QB genius last year. Brad is family, Cane family and that is suppose to mean something. A bad Cane is still better than the greatest smuck from anywhere else. If you don't understand that then you are simply not a Cane.

Did being "family" mean something when 90% of the fan base hated Jacory Harris?? Who was a better qb at UM than Brad Kaaya.

And still making excuses blaming the coaches is weak when Kaaya is the one that couldn't execute simple 5 yard completions.
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Brad could not have hurt his draft stock any further. One would assume that with an improved supporting staff and more time with the coaches, Brad would have a better season. Also, Miami would absolutely have had a better season which may have even had Kaaya overrated and over drafted. But we'll never know

MIAMI would've had another season of not meeting expectations with Kaaya still on the team. He was going to be a 6th round draft pick struggling to make an NFL roster whether he stayed or not. Him leaving early saved UM from another disappointing season so I do thank him for that.
Who the **** needs FSU or UF trolls on this board when half of the "fans" on here will troll their own ASAP! Some of ya'll r weirdos. I ain't no rah rah ni99a, but my god, some of ya'll can't wait to bash players. Give Kaaya a break; he was a good QB here. Not his fault we had an incompetent coaching staff for 2/3 of his career. Not his fault our D couldn't hold a lead against FSU in 2015. Not his fault an OL can't hold a block for 1 sec for a PAT in 2016. Like give the ni99a a break. Personally, I hope he balls out. Any one who repped this U and wind up successful, is another notch in my team's belt for creating NFL players.

And who are you a fan of? Celebrating the mediocrity of a QB who tucked his tail in between his legs every in every pressure situation?

I have no doubt that a large portion of why he left early was because he didn't want to deal with the pressure that would be on him this year, because it literally made no sense for him to leave.

You're on here bashing over half the team in this post but think you're a better fan because you aren't singling anyone out? Right.
The team's record with Kaaya had zero to do with where he was drafted.

Trubiski has a career 8-5 record. His "signature win" is against Miami where he and his offense scored a whole 20 points. Zero in the second half.

Mahomes has a 13-16 record

Kaaya got picked late because he processes information too slowly and doesn't get rid of the ball fast enough. If you can't move, you better think quick and Brad doesn't do either.

Weak argument. You don't think kaaya could've succeeded in an air raid offense like ttech? Get outta here with that mess. Same with trubisky. Those offenses are designed for basically one read. They similar things for the qb. these aren't pro style offenses where you make several presnap reads and go through all your progressions.

Lol at Kaaya succedding in air raid offense... Did u watch him play at all the last 3 years???
It is better to have a VERY short NFL career and a few million in your bank account (and possibly finish your degree later) than win 10 games, hopefully the Coastal and possibly an ACCCG while playing for free. Even a National Championship wouldn't be worth it.

Unless an athlete can do like Delaney and possibly increase his draft grade (and if you're being honest, Brad couldn't), it's silly to wait (actually its financially irresponsible). Kaaya's flaws would be more exposed with another year of film. Matt Leinart made a huge mistake; Mitch Trubisky was a genius. Brad...was smart.


true if you get drafted in an earlier round and make the team. guys on the practice squad for a couple of years are not going to have anything close to a "few million in the bank." trubisky was one of the first players drafted. he was brilliant. brad was barely drafted and isn;t going to end up on the roster. that is not smart.
I've noticed there is far more interest in tearing down and criticizing our players & former players than there is in actually praising and supporting the players like a real fan should. Even if you feel like Kaaya didn't meet expectations, you weren't the one losing your teeth and fighting through a shoulder injury for the team. He represented the U respectfully and he gave his all in every game.
The team's record with Kaaya had zero to do with where he was drafted.

Trubiski has a career 8-5 record. His "signature win" is against Miami where he and his offense scored a whole 20 points. Zero in the second half.

Mahomes has a 13-16 record

Kaaya got picked late because he processes information too slowly and doesn't get rid of the ball fast enough. If you can't move, you better think quick and Brad doesn't do either.

Weak argument. You don't think kaaya could've succeeded in an air raid offense like ttech? Get outta here with that mess. Same with trubisky. Those offenses are designed for basically one read. They similar things for the qb. these aren't pro style offenses where you make several presnap reads and go through all your progressions.

Lol at Kaaya succedding in air raid offense... Did u watch him play at all the last 3 years???

I actually agree with the guy who said he would succeed in an air raid offense. Brad could be kinda like a Kurt Warner.

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Kaaya leaving early was a terrible decision. Everyone knew it at the time except him.

Will never forgive him for that INT in endzone up 13-3 on FSU last year. He's been dead to me since that throw.