Justin Flowe

Delete this thread. As I previously stated
Two days ago a random poster put a picture of Flowe from his visit 2 years ago where he was wearing the cane uniform and gold chains and said "he is coming". Then he later deleted it. Sounds like a troll job.
There is ZERO information stating this kid is coming, ZERO.
Delete this thread.
Or maybe you missed the posts by a couple posters here that were quickly deleted.

That his Dad said months ago, if Justin transfer's it will be to USC so I can go to his games and watch him play. Maybe the family changed their mind.
Stop It Michael Jordan GIF
I've never understood why ppl can't just not click into threads they want deleted.


Great suggestion here. Gives users the ability to make threads "invisible" to them. That way they can pretend its deleted and live happily without the stress of knowing a thread exists on a topic on a message board. And posters who wants to keep checking and discussing it, can do so.
The Wire Wow GIF