Justin Flowe

Why Dont We Have Both GIF
Short answer - No.

Long answer - He was never serious about coming here.... Ever.

I traveled to Ft. Myers to watch this kid play. He was the best HS back I've ever seen play live. I went to 3 of his games. Sat next to one of his English teachers at one game. Kid definitely had some personal issues to work through at the time. She said calling him a handful would be generous. She said a the time they were doing everything they could just to keep him in school.


It was a house call on any given play when he got his hands on the football. Kid was a very special talent.Everytime he would score the crowd would yell MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Do people from Fort Myers consider Jammi German or Noel Devine to be a better high school player? Deion obviously ended up being the best to ever come out of that area but as a HS who was better?

Also didn’t Noel Devine go to live with Deion in Texas for like 2 months or something like that and steal his car lmao.
still had that lore

Do people from Fort Myers consider Jammi German or Noel Devine to be a better high school player? Deion obviously ended up being the best to ever come out of that area but as a HS who was better?

Also didn’t Noel Devine go to live with Deion in Texas for like 2 months or something like that and steal his car lmao.
He ran away from Deion in Texas as I stated earlier in thread. Jammi in 1993 was the Inaugural Mr. Florida football....The best I've seen come out of Ft Myers was Taylor Timmons, who went to UM, then murdered someone in Ft Myers.
I wasn't around much football in 97 as I was a child haha, BUT I'm just saying while it hurt, it didn't kill us with everyone, clearly we started pulling in classes with Butch at that time that should have given us 3 straight NCs in 2000/01/02. Can we agree here?

I was a kid as well. However, I remember being confused as to why we were getting blown out. However, the majority of kids won’t commit to a spot where games aren’t shown on national tv. Especially after what happened to SMU.
Do people from Fort Myers consider Jammi German or Noel Devine to be a better high school player? Deion obviously ended up being the best to ever come out of that area but as a HS who was better?

Also didn’t Noel Devine go to live with Deion in Texas for like 2 months or something like that and steal his car lmao.
@Canesfan_134 .....Here's some info on Ft Myers Greats....When I was a Freshman in HS in 75....there was 2 brothers who played at North Ft Myers High, Larry and Preston Gary....Larry was good..but Preston was Freddie Miles-ish Great....I'm talking ridiculous (RB)....they were 2yrs ahead of me...and during my Soph yr, Preston was involved in an Armed Robbery of a Gas Station, and ultimately was given 20yrs. Talk about a complete waste of talent....Dude was Electrifying.....Same school as Devine...Warren Williams, Red Sox Great Mike Greenwell (I played baseball with his brother Buddy) and Jevon Kearse. I myself was a 3rd team All State Hoopster, and in 78 was given a 2yr Scholarship to Edison Community College (now a state college) but my 1st yr I tore my knee up, and my schollie was pulled. I ended up getting a Pell Grant to Culinary School, pretty much ending any Sports. My GF in HS (different HS...she went to Cypress Lake) was the #1 Ranked HS Tennis player in FL for 2yrs, Becky Cereceda. I'm well versed in Lee County HS Sports....Another GREAT HS RB in the Mid 70s was Johnny Wright outta Cypress Lake...he went on to share the same backfield with Heisman Winner George Rodgers at S. Carolina.
Do people from Fort Myers consider Jammi German or Noel Devine to be a better high school player? Deion obviously ended up being the best to ever come out of that area but as a HS who was better?

Also didn’t Noel Devine go to live with Deion in Texas for like 2 months or something like that and steal his car lmao.
In my humble opinion it's Jami Jerman 1a. Deion 1b. Noel Devine 3. Deion was the best athlete of the bunch and ran like a deer.
Eddie...Figs and Marti at their Best...couldn't hold a candle to Armstead, Barrow & Smith

no doubt.

I was just comparing their nicknames not their abilities. The Goon Squad nickname had potential, the Goon Squad players were something else lol.
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