Justin flowe

Paypal...I've done it many times....Never once did I say Flowe was 100% coming...my initial response was due to all the Negative Faqquits who guaranteed he wasn't coming...when I know for a FACT we're in the discussion....

I think we have a chance too bro just would like to see the bet go down and Flowe as a hurricane. Maybe people will stop being so negative if they lose bets like this. What are the reasons you are so confident he is considering us?
I think we have a chance too bro just would like to see the bet go down and Flowe as a hurricane. What are the reasons he is considering us?
Our LBing History is one thought....Immediate Starter Day 1....Family in SFl...Family close to Rohan....Seemed to be truly enjoying himself on Campus..Just have a Gut feeling....
Here’s a question and maybe @caneinorlando can answer....is Justin into the music scene/producer like his uncle? I mean Jalen Phillips is here doing it, we all know Chad has had success doing it, we have the right set up for pursuing it in undergrad.

Just wishful thinking maybe, but if he is then you’ve got to like our chances. We legit have a whole lot going for us here. Outside of the record and a huge, like massive, figure dropped to the fam I think we should all listen to cane in Orlando. And this is coming from someone who generally thinks he’s full of it
Irvin said the FIU and Duke losses are holding us back on getting Flowe.

“ If there's one thing we keep hearing with Flowe, it's the fact that the losses to both FIU and Duke aren't helping the Hurricanes chances when it comes landing the nation's No. 1 ranked linebacker.”

Didn’t say they were holding ya back but that they aren’t helping things