I promise you I am always the guy that tell the guys on this board to let us fans enjoy recruiting and hope for the best even though I realized getting the Haselwood, Stevenson, TC, PSJ, and whoever else though l know it's a longshots. But nah. WE LOSS TO FIU!!!! We loss to FIU man. Think logical. Think of the 10-3 season. We didn't get TC or PSJ. Last year we didn't get Stevenson, Bogle, Ingraham, and to many ti list from last season. We aren't getting Flowe. The only way we get Flowe is if he just wants to be in Miami for college. It'll have nothing to do with the coaches just the city and that's not happening.
I hate to be this guy man but Flowe not coming. If you're new to the board then you just don't know better. If you're a vet here you're insane because you falling for the same bs every year. If u just hope we get him but understand it's not likely then normally I'm with you but nah not this year. We lost to FIU!!! Tie a cinder block to that hope and throw it of a bridge into an ocean or river. We are not getting Flowe. If I'm wrong(I'm not)... great