Justin flowe

Listen I will never drop my cane card I am just being a realist.
I'm not commenting on you kid. Just on the facts about Rohan. Homie, carrying the Mirabal name you're definitely connected with the Big 5 club. No one locally would be asking for your Cane card.

Listen I will never drop my cane card I am just being a realist.
So be real and say that other teams get way more talent than we do but the nfl numbers don’t match up. This is why it’s so hard to recruit down here. Not only do we have to get them but we also have to insure that they go on the first day of the draft. And not only that, but we have to insure they play for at least 3 contracts. Everyone gets a pass cause they win and go to the playoffs with stacked rosters but we get punished for Tracy Howard?
JMR how long have you been following Canes recruiting?
10 years

Will respond on signing day so I can laugh at you. Later.
and what exactly are you gonna be laughing at me at? i have been told by people close to this miami is 1b in his situation right there with clemson, when people thought it was gonna be anyone but miami in the top 4 he said he would drop i told everyone the canes would be in it and we were guaranteed an OV. theres much much more going on behind the scenes with flowe. am i overhyping it a little yes i am but am i confident in the things i have been told i am.. so quit being a debbie downer ***** and have a great day. oh and btw flowe dont have a "handler" but nice of you to make these assumptions please lmk when you got some facts and ill respond to you, till next time friend
10 years

what does the size of your pockets have anything to do with the commitment and dedication to your program, you flexing that youre able to donate to the school while others may not have the means to aint a flex.. hes calling you out for having zero faith in a program you swear have been a fan of for however long you claim to have been (dont know you personally).. quit ragging on everythingg.

and what exactly are you gonna be laughing at me at? i have been told by people close to this miami is 1b in his situation right there with clemson, when people thought it was gonna be anyone but miami in the top 4 he said he would drop i told everyone the canes would be in it and we were guaranteed an OV. theres much much more going on behind the scenes with flowe. am i overhyping it a little yes i am but am i confident in the things i have been told i am.. so quit being a debbie downer ***** and have a great day. oh and btw flowe dont have a "handler" but nice of you to make these assumptions please lmk when you got some facts and ill respond to you, till next time friend
And how long have you been following recruiting? You have been told?? Will be back on signing day to tell you I told you so.