Justin flowe

**** seeing all these other schools landing 5 stars and stacking chips is just depressing af no lie

That would be our worst nightmare. I've wanted mario since last year I watched alot of oregon games last year to see how he would do and that team fights 24-7 they are a tough and smart team.

Lets see what Wario does next season when he doesnt have herbert. He did win the Pac 12....which is not really much of of an accomplishment as it use to be. Would he be better than dIAZ...yes....would he actually even win anything here......probably not. No i dont have an answer who Miami needs to get back but its not Wario. And no way Bama goes with him whenever Saban retires
Anna says Oregon with the momentum. This guy says still Oregon/Clemson. Who actually knows what's going on?

Fake insider Anna

I tried telling mofos the only reason this ***** was so confident was she writes for the big bully that loses nobody. She literally had no info to base it off of, Flowe barely talks to any media and don’t say much.

Her and others never mention lowly Miami , no way we have a legit chance at this caliber of kid.

Now suddenly it’s a UM / Oregon battle by a plugged in Oregon guy, yet the rest of the media don’t even mention UM.

As I’ve said “ Miami is in this as much as anyone and there’s confidence on Miami’s side”. I know that’s hard to believe but Miami has always been in it. Could the staff be naive? Sure , but there’s no way Flowe would take all this time to troll a family friend and Um.
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Lets see what Wario does next season when he doesnt have herbert. He did win the Pac 12....which is not really much of of an accomplishment as it use to be. Would he be better than dIAZ...yes....would he actually even win anything here......probably not. No i dont have an answer who Miami needs to get back but its not Wario. And no way Bama goes with him whenever Saban retires
I think Dabo goes to Bama once Saban retires
I dont think Dabo leaves.....he has too much of a good thing going on at CLemson. But who knows in a few years what happens.
Dabo met his wife at Alabama & she loves it there. His contract literally has a buyout for every school accept Alabama. He's thought about it enough in advance to put that in the contract oh, he's gone when Saban retires.
Dabo met his wife at Alabama & she loves it there. His contract literally has a buyout for every school accept Alabama. He's thought about it enough in advance to put that in the contract oh, he's gone when Saban retires.

His buyout is higher if he goes to bama....but please keep spitting out bull****. Porsters on this site......******* google is available to verify before you type
Crystal ball to Oregon (Wiltfong)
Dabo met his wife at Alabama & she loves it there. His contract literally has a buyout for every school accept Alabama. He's thought about it enough in advance to put that in the contract oh, he's gone when Saban retires.
Is that still valid? People bring this up like they know the language in his current contract. Crazy their bot would still accept that. I mean he can just bounce to bama if he wants not questions asked. No freaking way.