Justin Flowe

He’s arguably the best LB prospect since DJ Williams. He’s a better prospect than Shaq and Pick were their freshman years and they started.
Again he’s starting day 1 next to Jennings and Huff
We start 2 LBs.
Flowe & Huff if Steed isn't fully recovered...
Jennings getting lot of rotation.
Said from jump the kids seems interested and we just had to keep him interested until the season begins and he sees our defense. Gotta start somewhere, hopefully the weather is amazing down there this weekend and we roll out red carpet for him. The kid is going to play day 1 anywhere he goes but he literally can start here next year.

Sunny all weekend fam.
His film, Shaqs film, Shazier. But if you want to see some film that’ll stop your heart, Lavar Arrington. Just insanely gifted. If he would have had more of a tactful mind like Zach Thomas, he would be the best LB all time.
I was going to say the EXACT same thing. Lavar should have been a Cane.