You need to check your ***** *** right out of this country. No one wants your weak minded type in this country but the funny thing is you would probably fit right in at the Hecht center with the rest of the SJW left wing wacko communist anti christian/****** america haters that are the “in” thing to be on college campuses. You disgust me and I’d like nothing more then to be locked in a cage with you WWF style so I can laugh as you cry for your momma for help or even funnier cry for the police that you probably hate because police in your eyes are all ***** right?! Lmao your a cliché, a phony, a twitter **** talker, a new age she-male with no balls but wish more then anything you had a pair of ovaries so you can build up your victim status.
Fvck off maricon, ain’t no one buying your crazy here!