Julian armella anything?

I’m not sure I get this reference.

1. Will Smith wasnt in the Matrix.
2. Will Smith turning down the role of Neo in the Matrix to do Wild Wild West was a terrible decision.

He didn’t dodge any bullets, he missed the open back end of a loaded brinks truck sitting in an abandoned parking lot.
Yeah I meant Neo
I’m not sure I get this reference.

1. Will Smith wasnt in the Matrix.
2. Will Smith turning down the role of Neo in the Matrix to do Wild Wild West was a terrible decision.

He didn’t dodge any bullets, he missed the open back end of a loaded brinks truck sitting in an abandoned parking lot.
Pretty sure he meant WE as the audience dodged a bullet by him not being in it, because Keanu was perfect in the role. Just like The Martix was better with Keanu, we ultimately got the better OT in Francis Mauigoa.