2024 JUCO DT Malcolm Alcorn-Crowder, Butler CC - offered

awesome netflix GIF by Our Planet
Then we‘ll be aight. A lot of y’all forget those dudes stuck in the league. It was the scheme that ****ed them up lol.

Except Wyche’s fat ***
Remember dudes hyped Wyche up. Kid was not good at all but the hype machine was on full tilt. He was basically like UFs fat DT. We should all know if the elite schools don’t want you at DT then you are most likely a jag.

RJ to me was the best of AGs defensive tackles. To me it ain’t even close.
This will go down as one of the most regrettable statements ever uttered on dese here boards..Right next to, “Watch the finish!” and…”but but but, Cook wasn’t even the starter. Yearby is the better one”.
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Right there with the Waves, Tsunami or whatever they were calling it.

Can’t wait for next year’s special word.