Josh Witt


Nov 13, 2011
I heard some news in regards to him yesterday, but only have a single source
Regarding concussions

Anyone else?
No seriously is this for real I was actually very excited to see Josh progress at LB.... One of my favorites of the 2012 class.....

/ anyone got links or just word on the street ?
OK, he had 1 back in spring practice. Does he have a prior history? If not, I don't get the "he's done" talk. Each concussion is different and so is every person's reaction to them. Some people take longer than others to recover.
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rip josh.webp
I heard Ray Ray heard the news of his dismissal and just clocked the closest white guy to him. No but seriously this would be terrible. Witt looked like he had a bright future here
This is true. I've heard this too and it could mean he's done before he ever got started. Not set in stone yet I don't think but he is being evaluated for multiple concussions.
Nah mang. This is football. Unless you got a fractured skull 1 concussion shouldn't put you down for life. His parents possibly involved?
Well, he was going to 'shirt this year anyways, so is this something that will go away and he can keep working out and learning the playbook, or is he done?
Well, he was going to 'shirt this year anyways, so is this something that will go away and he can keep working out and learning the playbook, or is he done?
IF he's still exhibiting symptoms (nausea, migraines, dizziness, light headedness) he can't even work out. If he passes an IMPACT test and is symptom free for 5 to 10 days you can pick up light exercise. Another 5 to 10 days without symptoms you can partake in individual drills. Then, organized practice and eventually you work you're way up to full contact. If you display symptoms at anytime in the recovery process, you start from the beginning.