Josh Pate eating crow vid

Alabama pulled more 5 star recruits out of state of Florida than the big 3 combined in the same period.
That's why Satan wins and if Mario can change that one stat then we will win.
He's the best national talking head on CFB, and actually discusses programs in good faith. Rare.
As much as we hate UF and FSU, it will be better if the big three are the big three again. Of course, with UM being #1. Time for Mario to close down the border Schnellenbeger style!
It will be better if Miami is really good. Forget about Gainesville and Tallahassee.

He nailed it. All of it. The money. The change. What it means. Impact on college football.

And refreshing to see someone take accountability for their words.

Most media bobbleheads don't realize how bad it is for the rest of college football for USC and Miami to be re-emergent and potentially dominant.

Josh may be the best out there.
Great content and some good points.. pathetic what we've allowed to happen in Florida recruiting. 37% only of blue chip recruits staying in state??!! Ouch