Ill say it yet again....these decisions on committing, where, when, and how....are all the choices of the students!! It's theirs alone to do however they wish...the only choices we have in all of their how we react to them! We have no idea what's going on their lives,.. With their family's..or anything else they may have going! Whatever their decisions..whether I like it or not..ill accept that the decisions are theirs to make, or change their minds..and ill respect that! And that's my choice to make!! All the arguing back n forth over this won't change anything, other than how we interact with each other in this forum. inside info here!!!
We have no power over what a kid decides to do. As not only cane fans, but fans of the game, I think most of us are just frustrated and voicing our displeasure with the way today's youth (our future not just on the football field) handle their business. (I'm not old btw)
No one should feel obligated to come to the university of Miami. If you're commited and no longer want to be a part of the program, talk to the coaches like a man and say what's on your mind. If you feel you have to make an announcement on social media, be a man and say, hey I changed my mind, please respect my decision.
Being commited to a school and having a rival teams logo on your backdrop is some coward little kid's way of saying something. If you take away talent and money from any man, regardless of his profession, his word is all he has left for people to judge his character. These young men need to learn that at an earlier stage in life. Your word is your word and you should stick to it, if not then you handle your business like a man.