Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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Which leads to why would you let somebody who did misconduct stay in your program one more day than necessary and why would you even care to sweep it under the rug by giving them a way out?

Which leads to "why do you think Gattis was AWOL for the past 2 weeks"?

I could cite another program which went through a similar PROCESS in the last few weeks.
You know it, I know it, plenty of people know it.

But once Ferman or other "paid writers" start telling a story, it's nearly impossible to dislodge it out of the heads of certain posters.
So many people knew it -those who want to act like this was just a Columbus thing only are also the same people who thought that New Mexico troll was going to become the new athletic Director and that he turned it down
Which leads to "why do you think Gattis was AWOL for the past 2 weeks"?

I could cite another program which went through a similar PROCESS in the last few weeks.
Wait WHATTTTTTTTT in the Michigan are you talking about

comedy central adam demamp GIF by Workaholics
Lots of legalities involved in firing someone for cause so it’s not stupid at all to make sure every I is dotted and every T is crossed. Not doing due diligence can be costly in both $$$ and reputation.
don't worry, we have the best legal council that money can rent.

Think about Richt, he was one year removed from best season by the canes in 15 years.

Had just received a 5 year extension and was basically forced to retire or fire his son and friends… **** can change quickly. Don’t go off info coming out today. It’s easy to assume when no one expects the worst case scenario to become reality.
What you are saying though is that miami will pay something like a $56 million buyout to move on from Mario in two years. I just don’t see that.
Disagree on the last part. Boosters only opened their pockets for Mario. They’ll only do it for the perfect candidate with Miami ties
Not the info I got last NOV. Certain boosters want certain coaches. Trust me, there were plenty of people ready to pony up for Lane if Mario turned down offer. The interest was mutual.

Now same goes for being fired… Same way these boosters got the funds needed to secure their guy Mario, they would get the money from those same boosters who didn’t agree with Mario. Thought this stereotype of Miami being broke was squashed. The funds are there.
His option at this point is save face and walk away / leave or be fired with cause. The clock is now ticking.
So could with cause be something as simple as just not doing your job like not getting back in touch with recruits. Not recruiting period like you were instructed to? Or maybe more serious like a Scott Frost weekend bender? This is interesting!
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