Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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I don't doubt the guy is gone and I can't wait to find out what took so long. If he weren't gone, Cristobal would be on a soapbox preaching how much better it's going to get in year 2 yada yada.

The timeline is strange though, almost like something legal outside of buyout or something bad maybe. Even to save money on some mythical buyout date it doesn't seem like that would be a huge hurdle to negotiate to save face. And even waiting on someone in the NFL why wait this long to can his ***.

This has been one heluva ride lol, got to be soon.

I like Steve Feinberg and all, BUT THAT'S BULL****.

No university EVER has said "pay us a buyout on the installment plan".

And even if we ever DID pay Michigan anything (earlier), Gattis was getting paid less THERE than what we offered him.

Plus, a year has passed. Do people honestly believe that Harbaugh gave an OC a 5-year guaranteed pay-us-a-buyout-if-you-leave contract?


I really don’t get where this narrative that Miami paid Michigan a buyout came from. It’s irritating as ****, especially when it’s public info

I said it because I 100% know he’s done. He’s been done. It’s dragging out for a reason and you‘ll know why eventually.

Piggybacking off of that. Is the OC search done and/or unofficially set with someone in principle? Some one on twitter was hinting at a specific person already being in position, unofficially.
The Gattis hire is still the most egregious
Honestly believe Mario should sacrifice $500K-1M of his $8M per year salary to help right his wrong. For a guy who bleeds orange and green and is a diehard workaholic cane, that amount is literally nothing to him out of an $80M contract. Nothing. Would show he's willing to take accountability for his own failures and fix them. I seriously hope we're not asking boosters to cough up money for his mistake or making big delays which hurt recruiting over the buyout...(and to be clear i have absolutely zero idea whats happening, im just talking in general).
I could believe that

But this notion that any supposed payout to Michigan is having an impact to Miami moving on us insanely dumb
Agree but if there are buyout issues it's probably from all the other stuff we had to buyout. Between Manny and Mario buyouts last season it was 17M and that's before the New staff and Mario contract. We are also building new facilities and spending alot on Nil. If they don't want to keep paying for buyouts I don't blame them. They gave Mario everything he needed last season including the biggest budget for a new staff in the ACC and he totally whiffed on literally his most important hire.
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