Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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@htownkidd Been in the lab trying to find my next hidden gem after dropping Paul Chryst on you.

This is an oldy but a goody. Major Applewhite. Used to be brought up all the time. Didnt make it happen at Houston. Hired D'Onofrio to run his defense which likely made his offense feel better during practice. But he runs some Tempo, spreads it around. Yes his offenses are somewhat erratic from year to year. But I think as Miami fans our one consistent is being inconsistent. I'll let dat marinate in your cerebrum for a bit before I come back with another candidate. I clearly have time to keep dropping these gems.
Matt, on Canesport, insists that it is simply UM giving Gattis the opportunity to find another job and that if he can't THEY believe that UM will demote Gattis to WR/Co Oc and bring in another OC/QB coach. That to me seems like a no win for anybody as Gattis has a horrible relationship with the staff, roster and local HS coaches. Matt also commented that "apparently Garcia left due to the ongoing delays with Gattis and confirmation of a new OC".
If this is what’s going on we’re going to riot. Hopefully Canesport is wrong.
Matt, on Canesport, insists that it is simply UM giving Gattis the opportunity to find another job and that if he can't THEY believe that UM will demote Gattis to WR/Co Oc and bring in another OC/QB coach. That to me seems like a no win for anybody as Gattis has a horrible relationship with the staff, roster and local HS coaches. Matt also commented that "apparently Garcia left due to the ongoing delays with Gattis and confirmation of a new OC".
Disgusted Cat GIF
Matt, on Canesport, insists that it is simply UM giving Gattis the opportunity to find another job and that if he can't THEY believe that UM will demote Gattis to WR/Co Oc and bring in another OC/QB coach. That to me seems like a no win for anybody as Gattis has a horrible relationship with the staff, roster and local HS coaches. Matt also commented that "apparently Garcia left due to the ongoing delays with Gattis and confirmation of a new OC".
There's no way in **** I believe that Gattis will be willing to work with a new OC. He's already a malcontent with the current staff, and Matt think he gonna play nice with a new staff member.... not to mention a new staff member that's got his old job? **** naw! That muhfucca would probably just be getting paid to stay at the crib. No way would Mario want that kind of distractions at practice and at team meetings.
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If this is what’s going on we’re going to riot. Hopefully Canesport is wrong.
There is no way that that is correct. We can argue about Mario's X's and O's/Scheme/Game Day decisions all we want. But this guy is to detail/relationship oriented for this to be true. Talk about culture, culture, culture and then keep a guy around that clearly has rubbed almost everyone wrong (@JG13 wants to be on staff with Gattis now). I dont believe it even 1%
I said it because I 100% know he’s done. He’s been done. It’s dragging out for a reason and you‘ll know why eventually.
That being said is it being dragged out for a reason on our end aka Ken Dorsey type of deal, or being dragged out on his end (waiting to get hired at Iowa or some chit?)
Yeah, and that 2017 statistic might, juuust miiiiight, be impacted by the fact that Herbert missed 5 games, of which Oregon lost 4 of them.

Maybe that 2017 number is higher if he had Herbert for ALL of that year.

Herbert had great numbers all 3 years, and the team got better every year. Yeah, but we should be focused on an awful 2016 team that went 4-8 team with a great offense and a terrible defense.

Again, the coaches' jobs are to win games, not to maximize one player's draft position or stats.

I can't believe anyone would argue for "the #9 offense" and a 4-8 team over "the #19 offense" and a 12-2 team.

I’m focused on OCs. We should be focused on how well the offense did, even on a bad team. Because the OC is the hire we are talking about making.

The OC’s job is to score a bunch of points.

Arroyo didn’t do that.

Oregon went 12-2 because the defense ranked 5th that year.
Matt, on Canesport, insists that it is simply UM giving Gattis the opportunity to find another job and that if he can't THEY believe that UM will demote Gattis to WR/Co Oc and bring in another OC/QB coach. That to me seems like a no win for anybody as Gattis has a horrible relationship with the staff, roster and local HS coaches. Matt also commented that "apparently Garcia left due to the ongoing delays with Gattis and confirmation of a new OC".
That’s the worst case scenario but I don’t see Gattis staying after he went MIA in the last weeks. That doesn’t sound like someone who is willing to be demoted.

FWIW the last team that, albeit unofficially, demoted Gattis won the conference and went to the CFP.

As far as Garcia IMHO he was leaving regardless of the OC situation either now or after spring.

Maybe he liked Mizzou, they said to him “now or never” and he jumped.
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