Josh Gattis (before its deleted)

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Not my opinion...
Confusing times. You’re saying one thing, some insiders are saying Mario knows Gattis is a$$ and is done with him. Who do we believe? I guess we’ll just have to tally scores when the dust settles.
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Confusing times. You’re saying one thing, some insiders are saying Mario knows Gattis is a$$ and is done with him. Who do we believe. I guess we’ll just have to tally scores when the dust settles.
Tally Ho
Confusing times. You’re saying one thing, some insiders are saying Mario knows Gattis is a$$ and is done with him. Who do we believe. I guess we’ll just have to tally scores when the dust settles.
Not saying that it's guaranteed that Gattis is staying...but Ponce, and Smith are done is what I heard. You'll know right after ESD.
Ponce- Gone
Kevin Smith- Gone
Fields- Staying
Mirabal- Staying
Gattis- almost positive Staying

Mario waiting until ESD before announcing staff changes, in regards to relationships etc...
I think the Mario narrative of being a meddler and micromanager are overblown. Is he demanding…. Yes

I think Mario shot himself in the foot by filling out the staff before the OC was in place, thus reducing good candidates

Hence why all indications are Mario will be more collaborative on deciding other offensive coaches to appease the OC
I don’t love the way this last paragraph was written.
Brother, I know you are usually spot on with your info, if ever there was a time I hoped you are wrong, this is it! Gattis has to go!!!
I agree...and I was told there's a chance...but Cot ****...this is ridiculous. I don't even like the "Let's wait till after signing day BS" because that's being disingenuous after the fact, regardless of who the coach is.
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