Jordan Scott! Can't stop drooling....

Mar 15, 2013
over this kid! This boy is a big quick nasty bad intentions NG every team needs! I know he's been casually mentioned, but I think he's a guy that will change our defense immediately. Weigh in?


over this kid! This boy is a big quick nasty bad intentions NG every team needs! I know he's been casually mentioned, but I think he's a guy that will change our defense immediately. Weigh in?


Has Paranos signed off ?
kid can rumble for 350lbs... That weight scares me for him though.
He made a lot of plays GH. My concern when I see highlights for kids that size is that they are going against kids so much smaller that it's difficult for me to discern how much of their success is based purely off the fact that they are 100 pounds heavier than the player across from them.
I've been wanting Miami to offer him for a little while now. He can move for a big dude.
I interviewed him for USF, he's got good size and can move well. He's gonna get more offers during the Spring.
I try not to comment on kids' highlights, I leave it to the coaches. However, this kid is a true savage. I love how he hits people and they either stay on the ground or fumble lol. Only problem I see is he is going to get at least one one personal foul per game for unnecesary roughness... Love it
Trim him up, through some Kool-Aid on the kid, and he'll be absolutely destructive.

Also, I think I'm more impressed by his 4.0. Most kids that good are just scraping by nowadays.
This kid's tape makes me ask myself a simple two word question, Baby Vince??? The last time I saw a kid that size that was that sudden, nimble, and so got**** mean, it was none other than Mr. Wilfork. Kid's gotta be able to maintain a playing weight of about 325-335 (after shedding baby fat in a P5 S&C) and he will be the stuff of nightmares for an interior O-Lineman.
[MENTION=2343]Cribby[/MENTION] Your late to the party on this guy, I have been talking about him since last summer.

Here is the link to the older thread I started about Jordan Scott in fall 2015

Go Canes

You did indeed, I remember and that's why I stated he has been "casually mentioned". Remember reading comprehension not a prerequisite on this site.
He made a lot of plays GH. My concern when I see highlights for kids that size is that they are going against kids so much smaller that it's difficult for me to discern how much of their success is based purely off the fact that they are 100 pounds heavier than the player across from them.

I understand that concern Phi, but the kid is obviously very powerful and you can't discount the kid for using his obvious power to overwhelm lesser talent. If he didn't then we wouldn't be having this conversation. I also believe, make that know, that with his god given power, muscle gain with college training and weight loss to 325, he'll be even more powerful and quicker. He'll wreck the middle, push the pocket, free up DE's and make teams go wide. I challenge anyone here to show us film of a better NT/DT that we have a legitimate chance with?