2023 Joenel Aguero - Safety - Commitment, 7.23

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Im just imagining Mario and Gaby having a conversation 😭😭😭

Yea it goes like this…”Hey Gaby,Mario here.Can you stop by and pick up my cleaning and while you’re on the way can you stop by that pizza shop you hang out at and ask around and see if anyone has heard anything about where Aguero might be headed?Oh yea.Don’t forget the mushrooms on the pizza.”
This sounds lIke Mario is throwing a soft toss to see how everyone reacts.

We know that he was trying to weed out the leaks inside the building, so now he has control of the info coming out of “The Building”…
Is it possible that they asked Gaby to put this out as a smoke screen and he agreed to do it intentionally? That would be some real undercover misdirection stuff if they did. The payoff for Gaby could be getting in better with the coaches so that he can get a real source for the future to pump up his side. I would think that he should know better (or that Lake would know better) than to have him post that he is being asked by coaches for a status update on this kid as it would come off as amateurish as it is. I don’t take the coaches at this value and perhaps they want Jawja feeling confident so that bags aren’t upped like in euros for the Finnish kid at the last minute.

Perhaps I am too optimistic about recruiting for us as it has been so much glory and I want to believe this to preserve this kid to us. But it seems more likely than Gaby actually posting that the staff is confused and so they reached out to him for direction as insinuated. I would expect this of the previous regime but not this one. They have been successful for way too long to do something like that.
This is one of the sillier things I’ve ever heard in the recruiting world & that really says something. It’s equivalent to Gaby saying I know more about your recruits then you do. It’s absurd.
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