2023 Joenel Aguero - Safety - Commitment, 7.23

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****, I just now realized he’s committing on the 23rd. We have a legit shot here?

I know he’s been tweeting about Miami recently, but prior to that he seemed all UGA. Can’t help but feel like he’s just trying to drum up suspense for his announcement lol hope I’m wrong though
****, I just now realized he’s committing on the 23rd. We have a legit shot here?

I know he’s been tweeting about Miami recently, but prior to that he seemed all UGA. Can’t help but feel like he’s just trying to drum up suspense for his announcement lol hope I’m wrong though
**** so that makes him, Bryant, and Kirkland committing on the 23rd. Could be a huge day.
Mur been MIA

Not sure what you mean...

MIA = Miami


MIA = Missing In Action

EDIT.... reading more carefully, it looks like you meant 1murcane has been "Missing In Action" (hasn't been seen recently). Sorry for my confusion.
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I have 4 UGA alum in my family. Between them and some friends none of them think UGA drops bags. I’ve tried explaining how ridiculous that is and have showed them the proof. They prefer thinking that every human alive wants to play between the hedges, for free.
Bruh, I work with these types. Live around them here in GA. Totally surrounded by em. “Everybody drops bags… except UGA.” Them dumb fuccs make me sick. No need to try and change their minds either. You’ll find yourself in a 30 minute argument to nowhere. Total waste of time trying to get them to see the truth.
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