Joe Echevarria

It’s smart to get outside eyes with corporate and organizational structural experience, from businesses where performance and accountability is woven throughout their structure, to be looking at the way the department is run. It’s important to get different perspectives. So far they’re going about this the right way.

This is not about picking the next athletic directors right now, it’s about looking at the current state of the organization with outside, unbiased, and experienced eyes. Makes perfect sense.

It’s important to understand the current problem, and how we got there, as a solid foundation on which to make future decisions.
Does this qualify as outside eyes though? Rudy is Frenk's right hand and Echevarria runs the ponzi scheme known as UHealth. I don't trust them to perform anything more than perfunctory sweeps of daily operations while seeing how they can swindle everyone so that more funds are allocated to Health Affairs and the construction of new buildings on campus. Something stinks.

Im not a UM alum so I dont pay too much attention to the inner-workings at UM. Im a "market fan" and not a "campus fan" as I like to differentiate it.

That said, correct me if Im wrong but isnt this the guy who was in charge of hiring his own firm (Deloitte and Touche) to do a sweeping review of UM's overall operations every couple years only to find that everything was fine? As well, if Im not mistaken didnt UM hire a different firm a handful of years ago that conducted a thorough review and found that (1) Donna Shalala was basically running the university as it were her own personal slush fund and that (2) The Deloitte auditors were covering it up??

If the above facts are correct, why should anyone care about this review. Hiring a yes man to say yes might not be the change that folks are hoping for. We'll see.
Does this qualify as outside eyes though? Rudy is Frenk's right hand and Echevarria runs the ponzi scheme known as UHealth. I don't trust them to perform anything more than perfunctory sweeps of daily operations while seeing how they can swindle everyone so that more funds are allocated to Health Affairs and the construction of new buildings on campus. Something stinks.

Whatever you say, chief.
It's flying under the radar, but Joe Echevarria, the current CEO at UHealth is very involved in the review of the athletics program and the football program. I know Frenk sent out that memo listing him and Rudy Fernandez as tasked with evaluating the athletics, but just thought I'd share it's not lip service. There is a serious active review.

Who's involved doesn't matter much if the decision is made to go half-@ss before the thing even starts.
This is great to read. Look, we can argue all we want about how much people care, or who is qualified to help, but the reality seems to be that people at the highest reaches of UM have taken some interest in improving the athletic program. Every fire has to start with a spark. I think we have our spark.
And before every pessimistic/cynical poster starts complaining, just STOP, relax and let people get to work. Expected comments
’the same idiots are no going to fix it’
’Frenk doesn’t care, he’s just embarrassed’
’wake me up when Blake and manny are fired’

Change has to start somewhere
That's all true. What's also true is every time we get to this point we hear it's different this time. The university is going to spend the money. They're going to do things like the big boys do. And three years later, it becomes painfully obvious that we're still sitting at the kiddy table. I'm no mope, but I see no reason not to be skeptical.
Without Frenk adding budget dollars to the Athletic Dept no material changes can be made with personnel or assets. IF he has committed to budgeting adequately to improve all aspects of the Dept changes can be meaningful.

There will be an increase in investment. The question Rudy and Joe E. seem to be working on is how to address the current problems and set up athletics moving forward.
The individual aside, there’s nothing wrong with having a management review of how the athletic department runs as an organization.

Once past that review, there clearly is a requirement for expertise in each specific sport.

And yes, more money spent in the right areas.
All good points. But at least it seems like the high level people have received the message that sports matter to the national brand and image of UM. Those people may not care about sports themselves but they know image matters.
I could see them throwing a band aid on the problem. We may land our #1 or #2 candidate, but then his support wanes because the higher ups go back to business as usual. What ultimately fixes this is the kind of support we see at state schools, and I could see them scoffing at the price tags.
I could see them throwing a band aid on the problem. We may land our #1 or #2 candidate, but then his support wanes because the higher ups go back to business as usual. What ultimately fixes this is the kind of support we see at state schools, and I could see them scoffing at the price tags.

State schools are state funded.
The on-field failures likely did not facilitate this review. The fact that snake james left money on the table because he didnt understand his own deal with Addidas likely did.

I would not look for anything football related to happen here. I would expect snake james to be canned and another politician to be brought in, albeit one with better financial skills.
Whatever you say, chief.

Nice cop out, chief-ette.

More than one of us have noted it in this thread already. These are NOT outside eyes. Joe Echevarria has overseen several organization-wide reviews of UM operations (via Deloitte's auditing arm) and always found that everything was peachy keen.

I expect this to be of a similar result. Blake James will likely be the scapegoat not because of the on-field failures of sports teams, rather because that dumbschitt left money on the table for not enforcing his own deal with Addidas. THAT will be what gets the Joe Echevarria's attention, not the incompetent hiring practices of sports coaches.
Does this qualify as outside eyes though? Rudy is Frenk's right hand and Echevarria runs the ponzi scheme known as UHealth. I don't trust them to perform anything more than perfunctory sweeps of daily operations while seeing how they can swindle everyone so that more funds are allocated to Health Affairs and the construction of new buildings on campus. Something stinks.

See post #18 for some background.
We got that covered. The same guys who raised the money for the billboard on US-1 that turned into a billboard by the airport that turned into a poster board taped to a food truck in front of Hecht - no worries.
RVA I laughed out loud.....that is covered all right.... A lot of turns....
Nice cop out, chief-ette.

More than one of us have noted it in this thread already. These are NOT outside eyes. Joe Echevarria has overseen several organization-wide reviews of UM operations (via Deloitte's auditing arm) and always found that everything was peachy keen.

I expect this to be of a similar result. Blake James will likely be the scapegoat not because of the on-field failures of sports teams, rather because that dumbschitt left money on the table for not enforcing his own deal with Addidas. THAT will be what gets the Joe Echevarria's attention, not the incompetent hiring practices of sports coaches.
Listen little SanFran flower. I dont give AF what your opinion is. You’re a clueless little nobody.

But now that you’re accepting that Blake is going to be fired, it’s all of a sudden not enough.

So you come up with more bullshlt to hate on. What would be enough? Tell other people that might be interested in your worthless opinion what you think needs to be done.

Since you keep making claims about prior investigations, can you at least link one. That way people can judge these prior investigations rather than taking your clueless word for it. Or did you pull them out of your amply used rear end.
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