Jobe tweet

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Picture from Cheshire Acadamy from 30 minutes ago as I work right by there and got lunch at the deli across the street. I cant confirm or deny seeing Banda and Jobe. For you creepers, feel free to blow this pic up and see if you can see them in one of the windows. All I can confirm as of now is that the Cuban special was **** good for being in Connecticut.

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If that is how bama drops their bags, how can they be sure Jobe gets them and not a random student?
Serious question: what is to stop kids from taking the bags, then going elsewhere? Do they get half up front and half after they sign, something like that?

It's a dirty game to begin with, so I don't think "reputation" would factor into it.

ask bookie
Picture from Cheshire Acadamy from 30 minutes ago as I work right by there and got lunch at the deli across the street. I cant confirm or deny seeing Banda and Jobe. For you creepers, feel free to blow this pic up and see if you can see them in one of the windows. All I can confirm as of now is that the Cuban special was **** good for being in Connecticut.

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That is fantastic. Well done. Makes me want to run back and get a pic with the Cheshire Acadamy sign and put that in there. That would be hilarious.
So basically, Jobe hasn't de-committed yet because he's waiting until his OV in Tuscaloosa to make sure his bag gets delivered as promised...then when / if it does, he gone. Sound about right?

hopefully there is a Miami TSA agent he encounters on the way bag at security and snatches that bag from him
Jobe cancelling trip to Bama

Banda coming at Satan like this??

wwhat the **** is going on? who is jobe and why is there a Panda in this thread?
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