So, Saban strikes again. Jobe and his family make a business decision to get paid, and the player in effects screws Miami, although they won't put it that way.
Let's look at how this affects the kid personally:
1. Will Josh get any of the money, or does his family keep it?
2. Will the members of Storm18 be ****ed at him, and basically blackball him in retaliation for ******** each of them personally. Is he removed from the Storm18 text chain? I know that sounds stupid, but what I mean is will he miss hanging out with his posse, his friends, who have been talking about playing together for at least a year?
3. Are any Storm18 members trying to talk him into staying in the class?
4. Do the Storm18 members even care? Or do they understand it's a business decision and everyone can do what they want to, and no hard feelings? When they get together over Christmas break to do whatever they do together, is Jobe not invited, or does he join them and someone take a punch at him when he shows up?
5. Will locals have something to say to him directly if he says the words Sean and Taylor in a sentence ever again?
Just curious how far this stuff goes.