Listen, if Jobe wants to disrespect the staff at Miami even though Banda, according to sources, has personally worked with the administration at his prep school to make sure he qualifies, stay qualified, and help him pick out his courses, and then flip late to Alabama. Let him. I would love for Jobe to stay in this class, but if he wants to go to Alabama, I'm not going to cry about it, tweet at him, or get all butt-hurt because a 19 year old student chose to go to a college that he wanted to go to instead of going to a college that I wanted him to go to. Miami is loaded in 2018 without him and we are going to add T. Campbell too. Blades Jr., Ivey, Frierson, Hall, and Campbell. That is the best class of DBs in the nation and no other school is close to landing that kind of talent on the backend of their defense.