Jobe and Frierson at practice this morning

Seems like Xavier Williams is enjoying his visit today!



Love Williams as a prospect on either side of the ball and LOVE the message that flipping him from Bama will send.
To me it looks like Moore tried to commit the other day with all that "news coming soon" on Twitter. Then nothing happened. Seems like the coaches are waiting on Williams, that 5* from Louisiana that visited, or another. Who knows, I just thought it was weird that nothing happened after that Moore tweet...
Jobe is on campus almost every day.

Can't see him flippin.

Cj Henderson was on campus a lot too.....

I like E. Moore over X. Williams.

Ima have to disagree with this man look at the film X.Williams is electric not saying Moore isn't but I prefer williams he might be my 2nd fav wr behind pope

After seeing XWilliams and MPope make the comp look silly last year at Paradise Camp..they were my top 2. Everyone else is gravy to me. Would love to get XMan back on board. But if not, EMoore isnt a consolation prize. I would be just as happy if we got him.
I want XWilliams simply for the narrative that it provides. Flipping the South Florida WR that committed to Bama? Ya, I want that
IF williams eventually flips, that speaks A LOT about what Miami is doing in south florida and how it will effect things for a long time. Everything about miami is savage!
Josh Jobe is All In. He's been committed since 2015 and still is. Let the kid enjoy the recruiting process and take trips. He'll still be a cane. But you also have to enjoy taking the free trips around the world for vacation. It's a once in a lifetime thing
Jobe is on campus almost every day.

Can't see him flippin.

Cj Henderson was on campus a lot too.....

If Henderson hadn't gotten his feelings hurt about not getting to start in all star games and then got his feelings hurt again about being chewed out by our coach for leaving the all star games he probably would of been here. No loss with that mentality.

He very likely would have sat here or had a limited role, and his attitude of entitlement wouldn't have flown. Addition by subtraction in this case.
LOL we get better prospects to visit us on a daily basis than the Gators get for a spring game or FNL
It's not like CJ being on campus all the time was a negative thing in his recruitment. Kid was a Gator lean for months and then his time on the campus almost swayed him to Miami.

There's literally nothing wrong with Jobe being here all the time. Sure maybe he ends up at Bama, but it won't be because he spent all this time at UM.
If Moore balls out his senior year and he really wants in it will be hard to pass on an Aquinas stud....

Gotta keep a good relationship with that school.
Jobe - Cane
Williams - Trolling

Saban known to not tolerate committed players who visit other schools and publicize it. So either Williams is truly interested in Miami and doesn't care what Saban thinks or he got Saban's blessing to troll us. You never know what goes inside these kids heads.
i think the jobe sticks based only on the fact that we are gonna really help him out with his transcript and enrolling early. X williams would be an amazing pickup but doesnt make or break the class i would love to flip someone from bama just to stick it to those stupid country bumpkins. E moore would be a fine replacement if Willams does not end up flipping i think he has real potential to be a stud at the college level good route running very fast and crisp with his footwork.