Jim, you are on the clock.

So all we need to make this rec league offense look good is a couple guys from the class of 2016 and a Jr? Im going off years not two 30 year olds winning one on one battles lol, covering up the same garbage.
Cribby, just take the L on this one. if you wanna say that you have concerns about the program long term that's fine, L himself said last night that it's just one win. but he schemed his team into a road win vs the no 2 team in the country. it was not a rec league offense. they had an obvious plan of attack and executed it, they were running plays all night off screens and back cuts that Duke couldn't stop.


You’re just being intentionally obtuse.

Lol 7-7 vs Duke/Coach K is “street ball” and just letting athletes play.

Ironically, you could criticize L’s offense in legitimate ways (it requires certain ingredients to “go” and can be vulnerable against the zone without a proficient big — but then again there’s no perfect offense that can hide any deficiency and thrive against any defense)… but “street ball” is just not one of them.

It’s a high ball screen offense designed to create spacing and create mismatches specifically to beat blue bloods with more size whose base defense is man concepts.

I myself had forgotten that before the FBI criminal investigation cratered recruiting we made the tourney 2016, 2017, and 2018.

Then when we were finally able to sign a real class in ‘20… we’re beating duke at Cameron and undefeated in conference play 2 years later.
I’m “ obtuse “. That’s rich beens I‘m the guy looking at then entire program as A whole not just a few games In a random season. I’m the whole “picture guy“ . Not making an excuse and over looking everything . That’s you.

You sound like some guys in the football board during the winning streak it’s all micro, with no macro.

For being “ basketball guys “ I haven’t heard nothing but tired excuses. While I question schematics, recruiting , development of late , highly rated kids he’s recruited leaving etc. I get it you have a bad case of Coach L cognitive dissidence and pegit questions make you go to parrot excuse mode.. So that’s why I’m stopping.

Acting as ifs crazy to question where the program has been or there’s not legit red flags from the last few years takes some real ego. You’re obviously emotionally tied to the person I have some issues about , so I get it. But there’s more than enough evidence for anyone to have issues. This could the beginning of a turnaround but as easily it could all be a mirage. All these old guys will be gone and it could be back to the same ole crap. That’s why I don’t tell people to eat crow lol.

To think other wise is “ obtuse” lol.
Were we the only team with excuses? Were we the only team involved In the fbi scandal? Will some of you pull L’s **** from your mouth and answer this question ? Rather than repeating the same bs like a parrot?

Btw I used Inday as the example because if he sees the same negative bs I see it must be bad. Because he’s as positive of a fan as you’ll find.

Ive been on this board debating and I’ve mentioned on multiple issues right down to schematics, blue chippers leaving , yet all I’ve heard is “ Fbi , injuries , football guy and I’m wrong“. Nothing to counter an on court debate just excuses to deflect from the subject. Some of you act like we haven’t landed highly rated recruits for the last 2-3 years Yet they leave or never do jack.

Whats funny I’ve been griping about his garbage offensive creativity for years here, it’s rec league level, But I’m sure thats because of the fbi scandal too. Lol.

Some of you in here are the types to tell people to “eat crow“ right now but if the bottom falls out of the season youll spam the board with your excuses or just go awol. You can’t talk or discuss things with people like that. That's somebody with no arguments and going off emotion rather than the topic.

I hope we win the Acc and land a great class but to mock guys telling them to eat crow , or act like there's no red flags , like this guy is beyond reproach is hilarious. You don't sound like Cane fans , you sound like L guys. Almost like you're very biased.

I've already wasted my time debating people who only use the same excuses, but I'm the " football guy".

Good day guys , tell L I said what's up.
I’m “ obtuse “. That’s rich beens I‘m the guy looking at then entire program as A whole not just a few games In a random season. I’m the whole “picture guy“ . Not making an excuse and over looking everything . That’s you.

You sound like some guys in the football board during the winning streak it’s all micro, with no macro.

For being “ basketball guys “ I haven’t heard nothing but tired excuses. While I question schematics, recruiting , development of late , highly rated kids he’s recruited leaving etc. I get it you have a bad case of Coach L cognitive dissidence and pegit questions make you go to parrot excuse mode.. So that’s why I’m stopping.

Acting as ifs crazy to question where the program has been or there’s not legit red flags from the last few years takes some real ego. You’re obviously emotionally tied to the person I have some issues about , so I get it. But there’s more than enough evidence for anyone to have issues. This could the beginning of a turnaround but as easily it could all be a mirage. All these old guys will be gone and it could be back to the same ole crap. That’s why I don’t tell people to eat crow lol.

To think other wise is “ obtuse” lol.

Just everything you say is provably wrong. Rec league, no offense, street ball when we just surgically dismantled Duke at Cameron on a bad shooting night.

Between 2013-2018 Coach L took a historically garbage program to 4 NCAAT, two Sweet 16’s, and a regular season and conference tourney championship (and we got left out at 10-8 in conference with 21 wins in 2015).

That’s 4/6 years in the tourney with two sweet 16s under Coach L before the FBI disaster.

In the preceding TWENTY years, miami bball had 5 NCAAT appearances with ONE sweet 16 appearance.

Then the FBI criminal investigation blew up our ability to get players because we were already starting at a major disadvantage as a program with no history, no fan support, minimal infrastructure, and no bags.

Injuries hampered limited rosters for 2019, 2020, and 2021.

We finally signed a real class in 2020 after it was clear that L would survive the FBI investigation and could sell a rebuild and 2022 is back to being a lot of fun.

Sorry you can’t enjoy it.
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Cribby, just take the L on this one. if you wanna say that you have concerns about the program long term that's fine, L himself said last night that it's just one win. but he schemed his team into a road win vs the no 2 team in the country. it was not a rec league offense. they had an obvious plan of attack and executed it, they were running plays all night off screens and back cuts that Duke couldn't stop.

Take an L? Wtf are you talking about ? This place is full of a bunch of **** weirdos lol.

I came into multiple threads where people are mocking others or telling them to eat crow like the jury is in on L and the program. My posts are saying it's not in, you havent won a debate because we're having one good season. The same issues remain , we just have sixth year guys and a Jr covering things up. Like Tvd did. There's a ways to go before I'm making a decision either way. It's not my fault I'm not an emotional little female jumping at one losing season or one winning season. I judge the product and the whole program over years.

I just know there's a lot of smoke n mirrors going here, I hope it works out with a conference title and a deep run but that doesn't change my long term concerns. Unless depending on 24 year olds is the plan lol.

Lastly you said that wasn't rec league last night , yet the announcer said multiple times Moore and Mcgusty were just beating guys one on one. They literally said it was schematic. Leaving your big outside to create space was was schematic but the whole game plan was the same as it's always been.

It's ok to be a fan and still have serious questions about the program. I've been fire L guy and I've never been slurp L guy. Last year was the first time I said anything about him even be an issue. I'm just saying be careful on telling people to eat crow , it tends to come back around . You don't have to be all in either way unless it's just obvious. Sorry some of you don't get that.
Take an L? Wtf are you talking about ? This place is full of a bunch of **** weirdos lol.

I came into multiple threads where people are mocking others or telling them to eat crow like the jury is in on L and the program. My posts are saying it's not in, you havent won a debate because we're having one good season. The same issues remain , we just have sixth year guys and a Jr covering things up. Like Tvd did. There's a ways to go before I'm making a decision either way. It's not my fault I'm not an emotional little female jumping at one losing season or one winning season. I judge the product and the whole program over years.

I just know there's a lot of smoke n mirrors going here, I hope it works out with a conference title and a deep run but that doesn't change my long term concerns. Unless depending on 24 year olds is the plan lol.

Lastly you said that wasn't rec league last night , yet the announcer said multiple times Moore and Mcgusty were just beating guys one on one. They literally said it was schematic. Leaving your big outside to create space was was schematic but the whole game plan was the same as it's always been.

It's ok to be a fan and still have serious questions about the program. I've been fire L guy and I've never been slurp L guy. Last year was the first time I said anything about him even be an issue. I'm just saying be careful on telling people to eat crow , it tends to come back around . You don't have to be all in either way unless it's just obvious. Sorry some of you don't get that.
Cribby, i'm talking specifically about your earlier argument that there was no scheme or "plays" that were used to beat Duke last night. that is demonstrably false, and you should take the L on that. you keep pointing out that Moore and McGusty beat guys off the dribble. it's basketball. of course guys are going to win off the dribble in the course of a game. but last night showed that L still has it as an in-game coach. they had a clear game plan to counter Duke's personnel and they executed that plan, the evidence of that is clear and has been posted in this thread.

I actually agree w/ your larger argument that the season needs to play out before any crow is eaten. again, L himself said it's only one win, there's still 15 more left, and beating Duke doesn't really matter if you go out and lose a bunch of games after. he isn't even serving up the crow himself. he knows there is a lot more work left to do. I'm with you there.

but you're trying to pretend that last night's win was simply about older players winning one on one match ups for a team w/ no strategic game plan, and that simply is not true.
Just everything you say is provably wrong. Rec league, no offense, street ball when we just surgically dismantled Duke at Cameron on a bad shooting night.

Between 2013-2018 Coach L took a historically garbage program to 4 NCAAT, two Sweet 16’s, and a regular season and conference tourney championship (and we got left out at 10-8 in conference with 21 wins in 2015).

That’s 4/6 years in the tourney with two sweet 16s under Coach L before the FBI disaster.

In the preceding TWENTY years, miami bball had 5 NCAAT appearances with ONE sweet 16 appearance.

Then the FBI criminal investigation blew up our ability to get players because we were already starting at a major disadvantage as a program with no history, no fan support, minimal infrastructure, and no bags.

Injuries hampered limited rosters for 2019, 2020, and 2021.

We finally signed a real class in 2020 after it was clear that L would survive the FBI investigation and could sell a rebuild and 2022 is back to being a lot of fun.

Sorry you can’t enjoy it.
Im enjoying it just fine, I don’t lose sleep over my questions around the basketball program. I still root for them to win every game and tbh i like coach L. That doesn’t blur my opinion of the long term health of the program or seeing red flags. I’ve been around sports my entire life so I trust my eyes over years rather than a nice season with a roster full of grown men. Who’ll be gone next year. Thats my point , the guys bashing the mopes, telling them to eat crow could very easily be on the other side of the mocking in a year. Have some of y’all not learned? lol.

As much as you want to say I’m wrong it doesn’t make it true. Just like last year I couldn’t of said you were wrong when we sucked. At this point is opinion.

Just like Richt in 17 , I thought it was a mirage but I still enjoyed it.
Were we the only team with excuses? Were we the only team involved In the fbi scandal? Will some of you pull L’s **** from your mouth and answer this question ? Rather than repeating the same bs like a parrot?

Btw I used Inday as the example because if he sees the same negative bs I see it must be bad. Because he’s as positive of a fan as you’ll find.

Ive been on this board debating and I’ve mentioned on multiple issues right down to schematics, blue chippers leaving , yet all I’ve heard is “ Fbi , injuries , football guy and I’m wrong“. Nothing to counter an on court debate just excuses to deflect from the subject. Some of you act like we haven’t landed highly rated recruits for the last 2-3 years Yet they leave or never do jack.

Whats funny I’ve been griping about his garbage offensive creativity for years here, it’s rec league level, But I’m sure thats because of the fbi scandal too. Lol.

Some of you in here are the types to tell people to “eat crow“ right now but if the bottom falls out of the season youll spam the board with your excuses or just go awol. You can’t talk or discuss things with people like that. That's somebody with no arguments and going off emotion rather than the topic.

I hope we win the Acc and land a great class but to mock guys telling them to eat crow , or act like there's no red flags , like this guy is beyond reproach is hilarious. You don't sound like Cane fans , you sound like L guys. Almost like you're very biased.

I've already wasted my time debating people who only use the same excuses, but I'm the " football guy".

Good day guys , tell L I said what's up.

Yo , it's kind of hard to have coach L' s dik in anyone's mouth right about now because his dik is busy being buried squarely in yo hatin asss at this moment!

You say you're on here trying to have a debate. Sounds like you're debating with yourself is what it sounds like.

And yo... My " facts" statement wasn't even directed at you. I wasn't even talking to you, so you may want to think about calming TF down.

If you want to have a back and forth you must be willing to listen. Knowledge speaks brother but wisdom listens.

Your street ball rec league offense theory has been debunked every which way with facts from several guys on here today. You're just wrong, and it's ok.

Several people have also tried to give you specific reasons as to why they think the fbi probe hurt this program more than other programs.

But you ain't listening bro. You're just on here acting like you're scared to be wrong at this point in the game.

Yet , on a day after the Canes pull off the biggest upset of the year and the programs biggest win in many years. With the Canes sitting at 5-0 in ACC play and with a 13-3 record. You decide that today is the day to come on a Canes hoop board today and spray the board with negativity? Not a good look bro and your timing is awful.

WTF were you expecting people to say to you after your negative rants today? You right dawg? Is that what you're looking for? Because if that's what you're looking for, you're at the wrong spot at the wrong time dude. Take your L like a man and move on already. Let's enjoy this ride and hope for the best moving forward.

Our Canes are finally kicking asss and taking names. Who's next!
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so we beat the second ranked team in the country on the road in one of the toughest places to play and we have people continuing to *****. Jesus enjoy the **** win and the recent 9 game win streak. L isn't gonna be coaching forever so a change will happen if that's your issue. shut the **** up and stop *****ing
Three horrible teams in a row and I’m crazy for blindly not jumping back on and all is forgiven lol.

Using the FBI investigation for three years of god awful on court product , horrible recruiting , horrible roster management while running off highly rated kids you recruited:

If you’ve played any basketball you can see see the offense is a straight mess , even this year. We just have a bunch of old guys making plays. It’s literally street ball with zero creativity. Set a high screen and go or just beat your guy one on one lol. I rarely see a play when I say ” wow, he drew that up well“.

Look at our big man depth and size lol, is that the fbi’s fault too? Or is it the continual striking out he does at that position group?

I just find it funny the people telling folks to eat crow after the last three horrible seasons. Like this debate is suddenly settled lmao. I wasn’t telling you to eat crow the last three losing records. This season doesn’t make that three years go away and make me suddenly buy in. I’m still concerned about the program with L in charge and I have good reason to feel that way.

He’s a great coach with a great career , and I want him to win but that still doesn’t mean there’s still not red flags staring you in the face.

I will say the excuses were over going into this season, this was his last season with anything close to last year. But like I said he’s far from
out of the woods just because of one season.

he signed a top 20 class and hes turned the year around (Still early but so far) after a poor start. hes not gonna coach forever so **** be gone at some point so a change is gonna happen. the year of the investigation absolutely deserves an asterisk as it did completely ***** over recruiting that was set up to do well. the transfers the last two years werent a good look combined with poor seasons, but this year has been fun and team is playing well right now. stop with the ******* *****ing. this is like beating ND years ago and then finding reasons to ***** instead of just enjoying the moment
he signed a top 20 class and hes turned the year around (Still early but so far) after a poor start. hes not gonna coach forever so **** be gone at some point so a change is gonna happen. the year of the investigation absolutely deserves an asterisk as it did completely ***** over recruiting that was set up to do well. the transfers the last two years werent a good look combined with poor seasons, but this year has been fun and team is playing well right now. stop with the ******* *****ing. this is like beating ND years ago and then finding reasons to ***** instead of just enjoying the moment
Never *****d , the whole point of my posts was the people demanding crow to be eaten could be on the other side next season, that was the original point that went over folks heads. Like the inner battle / debate has been solved lol.

I've watched horrible basketball the last three years so of course I'm enjoying it. I go back to the Popa days so it's not like my standards are high lol. It's Miami basketball , there isn't a standard. We all know that.
so we beat the second ranked team in the country on the road in one of the toughest places to play and we have people continuing to *****. Jesus enjoy the **** win and the recent 9 game win streak. L isn't gonna be coaching forever so a change will happen if that's your issue. shut the **** up and stop *****ing
Nope , a bunch of people went bumping threads talking **** to other posters that haven't been happy about the program. I just spoke up even though I'm not a person who's been moping.

If that doesn't happen this discussion never starts. Everyone here wants Miami to win.
Nope , a bunch of people went bumping threads talking **** to other posters that haven't been happy about the program. I just spoke up even though I'm not a person who's been moping.

If that doesn't happen this discussion never starts. Everyone here wants Miami to win.

the last three years were bad. ill give him the first post scandal year bc we didn't have a class, but the transfers didn't help along with the poor play. this team looks fun and im glad hes turned it around after what looked like another **** year. L isn't gonna be around long term so I just hope he succeeds. it wont change anything for the future bc hes an old coach who doesn't have many coaching years left so it isnt like well be continuing to extend someone who doesn't deserve it.
Just a few "can't we get along" observations:
This was a great win and streak and not to give Coach L his due even if some baller boys took it up a notch to make it happen, is vapid.
The FBI thing, injuries, and some Miami cultural issues sure didn't help matters.
Coach L fell short in many areas suggesting his time might be past, wasn't all due to above, and the results until now showed this.
The above may still be the case, but let's hope not, hope it lasts, and perhaps Enjoy it a bit More.
Yo , it's kind of hard to have coach L' s dik in anyone's mouth about now because his dik is busy being buried squarely in yo hatin asss right now!

You say you're on here trying to have a debate. Sounds like you're debating with yourself is what it sounds like.

And yo... My " facts" statement wasn't even directed at you. I wasn't even talking to you, so you may want to think about calming TF down.

If you want to have a back and forth you must be willing to listen. Knowledge speaks brother but wisdom listens.

Your street ball rec league offense theory has been debunked every which way with facts from several guys on here today. You're just wrong, and it's ok.

Several people have also tried to give you specific reasons as to why they think the fbi probe hurt this program more than other programs.

But you ain't listening bro. You're just on here acting like you're scared to be wrong at this point in the game.

Yet , on a day after the Canes pull off the biggest upset of the year and the programs biggest win in many years. With the Canes sitting at 5-0 in ACC play and with a 13-3 record. You decide that today is the day to come on a Canes hoop board today and spray the board with negativity? Not a good look bro and your timing is awful.

WTF were you expecting people to say to you after your negative rants today? You right dawg? Is that what you're looking for? Because if that's what you're looking for, you're at the wrong spot at the wrong time dude. Take your L like a man and move on already. Let's enjoy this ride and hope for the best moving forward.

Our Canes are finally kicking asss and taking names. Who's next!
You nailed it - he is scared to be wrong. It contradicts his persona as this wannabe fake insider on CIS. It's not worth arguing with him.
Has coach K ever said anything about laranaga?

He may be the only one who has a winning record against coach K. If not really close.
I don't know how, I don't know why and I don't care...I have been so impressed at the turnaround since that loss against Bama. The team looks like they're having fun and playing loose. We're 9-1 in our last 10 and 6-1 in ACC play. ***ing Amazing! I can't believe that FSU game and that call but what can you do.

Granted we only played 7 games in our Conference Schedule, you have to our schedule ahead.

As it stands (TODAY):

- 2 Games against the current worst team in the ACC
- 2 Games against the second worst team in the ACC
- 7 Games against teams with a losing record in Conference

The only real issue is we have 8 road games remaining but 5 of those games are against teams with a losing record in Conference.


If we split our remaining 13 games at either 6-7 or 7-6; that makes us 12-8 or 13-7 in Conference. In 2019-20 (the last season before COVID), the 4th seed in the ACC finished 15-5.

Let's *** up FSU on Saturday!
Im enjoying it just fine, I don’t lose sleep over my questions around the basketball program. I still root for them to win every game and tbh i like coach L. That doesn’t blur my opinion of the long term health of the program or seeing red flags. I’ve been around sports my entire life so I trust my eyes over years rather than a nice season with a roster full of grown men. Who’ll be gone next year. Thats my point , the guys bashing the mopes, telling them to eat crow could very easily be on the other side of the mocking in a year. Have some of y’all not learned? lol.

As much as you want to say I’m wrong it doesn’t make it true. Just like last year I couldn’t of said you were wrong when we sucked. At this point is opinion.

Just like Richt in 17 , I thought it was a mirage but I still enjoyed it.
You are exactly right.

I am enjoying the way we are 'today', but how long will it be before we have another season like this? Not to mention this season can tank very quickly at any point...but I see us being competitive for the most part.

However when this season is over, we will be terrible again next season...and again, and again, etc. The only argument Ill make against you here is last year. We were horribly crippled by injuries, so it is hard to say were we could have been. Honestly one could make that argument for that last three seasons when you factor in suspensions and transfers with the injuries, but that's just a shot in the dark. What we never got a chance to see, we will never know about.

Just to clarify, I agree that we have lacked in recruiting, but the one thing I will say is that L has been able to do decent with what he has had, considering everything, you just cannot sustain like that.
You are exactly right.

I am enjoying the way we are 'today', but how long will it be before we have another season like this? Not to mention this season can tank very quickly at any point...but I see us being competitive for the most part.

However when this season is over, we will be terrible again next season...and again, and again, etc. The only argument Ill make against you here is last year. We were horribly crippled by injuries, so it is hard to say were we could have been. Honestly one could make that argument for that last three seasons when you factor in suspensions and transfers with the injuries, but that's just a shot in the dark. What we never got a chance to see, we will never know about.

Just to clarify, I agree that we have lacked in recruiting, but the one thing I will say is that L has been able to do decent with what he has had, considering everything, you just cannot sustain like that.

How many times do I have to post that we signed and enrolled a top 25 recruiting class last year and signed a top 20 class for this year. Last years class was three highly rated guards and this years class is a center and three wing/forwards.

We’re over the hump of the FBI disaster… as long as we can get through the rest of this season without injuries.