yep...and it looks like they might get this kid too.

they had an amazing day today...it looked bad in the beginning but ****
Latest update:

JHC wants Georgia 100%, but grandpa doesn't want to sign the LOI.

Oh boy.
Wow this is sooo facked up.

You think FSU got something going on with Ol Willard?

Its the kid's decision
Wow this is sooo facked up.

You think FSU got something going on with Ol Willard?

Its the kid's decision

the ENTIRE family does not want him at uga...there is like 10-15 people telling him to choose uf or fsu.....crazy situation. UGA is roughly 4 hours away...uf and fsu a little over an hour
Willard REALLY wants off the Plantation...

seriously, **** like this is ridiculous. Let the man make a decision.
FSU getting back in it for clemons...possible compromise

LOL at the family. This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Kid wants to go one place, family wants another, so lets choose none of the above so that no one is happy.
Unless he faxes in his LOI as a compromise between which school that he wants to attend & where his family wants to attend (UFAG). C'mon JHC!